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Wall for ovikdas739 (page 2)

… you don't wanna know. Fact is I don't either. I've only Masuda method'd twice now, and the second time was so traumatizing that I never tried again. Getting that Shiny Beldum took me 2 full months of persistant egg hatching, and I could swear I was hatching 50 or so eggs a day……

imagine the pain when game freak then heartlessly distributed a shiny beldum to everyone right after that xD
May 23, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
You're crazy
May 23, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
Q-Q 200+ Eevee eggs and still no shiny. I even was doing the Masuda method

*cries in corner*
May 23, 2015 by DemonFlygawne
I don't breed, I use Powersaves. So, 0
May 23, 2015 by PsychicX1
yeah xD
May 23, 2015 by a creepy stalker
oh longest! 6
May 23, 2015 by a creepy stalker
I got to about 80-100 eggs during my first and only breeding project, then gave up because flamey was going to do it for me LOL

I might do more if/when I get the shiny charm
May 23, 2015 by Hexahedron
3, Masuda Method
May 23, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Ive never done masuda method, that's why the answer is never
May 23, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Okay well, the best answer I have is…

Masuada-ing for a Shiny Kangaskhan. Got to forty eggs and gave up. I'll try again once I have the Shiny Charm.
May 23, 2015 by Toucanadian