PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for a creepy stalker (page 27)

you are demat?
Sep 11, 2014 by ShinyFire
"I AM the laziest person on this site"
PX begs to differ.
Sep 11, 2014 by Poke'slash
LOL coming from you, the guy who annoys half the server to hell
Sep 11, 2014 by Sempi
I'm doing good, what about your school?
Sep 10, 2014 by Neon Snivy
Senpai means "senior" generally in Japanese.
It's really just a nickname
Sempi was the shortened version of my name, but people started using Sempai which was very similar to Senpai, so yeah it's just a thing now.

Also, it's obviously because I'm so awesome.
/me fleez
Sep 10, 2014 by Sempi
Just saw your chat post. Yeah sure it's the middle of the night at 4 or 5 pm right? :v
Sep 8, 2014 by Qwerty_Zoom
errr... if ur not on showdown, then how do u have a team n replays?
Sep 8, 2014 by FrostyMudkip
hey there
Sep 8, 2014 by FrostyMudkip
I too normally hate smogon rules and generally don't use legendaries. And why did you even shift to India man. Where in India do you live.
Sep 8, 2014 by M-Salamence08
what's btd5
Sep 8, 2014 by M-Salamence08