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User M-Salamence08

Member for: 10 years (since Mar 31, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male (Age:13)
Country: India
Favorite Pokémon: Gengar, Darkrai, Salamence
Friend Codes: Pokemon Y: 4613-8078-9736
About me: I live in Mumbai,India.
My favourite Pokemon is Gengar.
I love battling though I started competive battling only this year because I didn't know how to in Gen 5 and before. I generally use to use my in game team to fight.
I am open to trading. But I love battling even more so.
List of my bred 6IV pokemon:
2 Gligars
1 Charizard
1 Bagon
I am willing to trade one of the Gligars.

I am going to distribute Magic Guard, Modest Abra s for other Pokemon. Minimum 3 IV.

Here's an awesome ubers battle:

I think Mega Salamence is going to rock. I've already prepared its stats:
HP :                             95 -> 95(0)
Attack :                     135 -> 145(10)
Defence :                 80 -> 130(50)
Special Attack:     110 -> 120(10)
Special Defence:  80 -> 90(10)
Speed :                       100 -> 120(20)

And its Moveset:

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability - Intimidate -> Aerilate
EVs 252 Att/252 Spd/4 HP
Adamant Nature
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Dance


Rayquaza @ Mega Stone
Ability : Air Lock -> Delta Stream
EVs 252 Att/252 Spd/4 HP
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Ascent (150 Phy.)
-V-Create (180 Phy.)
-Dragon Dance ( -- Status)
-Extreme Speed (80 Phy)

it's a secret:

-------♥♥------PUT THIS ----♥♥-♥♥----RIBBON ---♥♥---♥♥---ON YOUR ---♥♥---♥♥---PAGE IF ---♥♥---♥♥---YOUR'E ----♥♥-♥♥----AGAINST -----♥♥♥------ANIMAL ----♥♥-♥♥----ABUSE ---♥♥---♥♥---THANK YOU

Finally at 7:29 pm IST I crossed 200 points.

Activity by M-Salamence08

Score: 316 points (ranked #574)
Questions: 35 (33 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 12 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 41
Voted on: 21 questions, 130 answers
Gave out: 151 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 24 up votes, 11 down votes

Wall for M-Salamence08

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
And Mega Salamence is OP in flat doubles
Jan 3, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Good luck bud.
And yes I did. I was too lazy to do it right.
Jan 3, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Hey, when are you getting the game? Maybe I can help out a little here and there?
Dec 5, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Finished the Delta Episode XD getting competitive team ready
Nov 30, 2014 by a creepy stalker
too late sid
Nov 16, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Dafaq Halloween was nearly a month ago :/
Nov 16, 2014 by Qwerty_Zoom
Deleted! >:D
Nov 15, 2014 by a creepy stalker
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELETON
Nov 7, 2014 by Torterra02
Nov 4, 2014 by M-Salamence08


Nov 2, 2014 by PsychicX1