PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Your Excellency

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Say that to that one Pikachu in S/V
Aug 29 by Mr. Fish
Aug 25 by Mr. Fish
11 years
Aug 11 by Your Excellency
It's what happens when I'm given more than a 200 character limit
Aug 4 by Gau
Not allowed as it stands now. It would be OK if there was a way to measure/compare options. Broken for what purpose?
We like to give people two days to address the comments before we close the question.

While I'm here, can I ask you to please tone down the negative comments (https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/428412#c428414 , https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/428404#c428409). "No one cares" etc is disparaging even if we all quietly think it.
Jul 31 by Fizz
Too bad so sad
Jul 28 by J™
We know you like coming back here to commemorate what happened four years ago. Please stop doing that, and can you please keep out of drama (https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/82715) that isn't concerning you. If you won't then we're both going to regret it.
Jul 21 by Fizz
I do see the humour in the situation! I still got to give you credit though, you deserved those 20 points; even if it is fashionably late.
Sorry, my response to humour from strangers is worse than that of AI’s.
Jul 4 by ~Silver~
No problem. I’m doing my best to slowly go through the “No Selected BA” list. If you have answers you want me to select as best, feel free to put them on my wall. I’ll make sure they meet Mod-BA criteria and select them as best if they do
Jul 4 by ~Silver~