PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Torchic the Ninja~ (page 14)

OK, here's my secret: I don't!
My method is this: find a new game, play the heck out of it the next 2-3 months, get bored with it, rinse and repeat. If I can't find a new game, I replay an old one.
Simple as that!
And alright! Registering now!
And it's fine! Now both our walls are broken, so it's fine... Probably...

Dec 23, 2016 by Felix⠀
Also I'm sorry for breaking you're wall
Dec 23, 2016 by Felix⠀
I'm fine... Probably...
And I just had more time to collect, is all! I have a Wii as well, but no Wii U... rip
Also, um... You wanna exchange friend codes?

Dec 23, 2016 by Felix⠀
Rip wall.
Rip in poodles
Dec 22, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Oh geez
The list goes on
And on
And on
So here we go: *takes deep breath*
Ok... I think thats all...
Dec 21, 2016 by Felix⠀
I-I got blackmailed so badly...
Could things get any worse? Argh.... I don't think I can handle all of this stress at once....
Stupid crush.
Dec 21, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Rip indeed.
Do you own a 3DS?
Dec 21, 2016 by Felix⠀
Erm, 3DS... Why?
Dec 20, 2016 by Felix⠀
That's fine! But, uh... What is a Nintendo ID?
Dec 20, 2016 by Felix⠀
Kirby, mostly, but I play as Pac-Man, Dedede, and Ludwig Von Koopa sometimes.
Dec 19, 2016 by Felix⠀