PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Torchic the Ninja~ (page 14)

Wait... But... What?
I'm confused...

So, if doubly dead is kind of impossible, does that mean triply dead is out of the question?
Jan 9, 2017 by Felix⠀
Then doesn't that mean I'm a cannibal?????

Wait, is being doubly dead good? I thought it was bad...
Jan 6, 2017 by Felix⠀
*tastes the cookies and cream ghost ice cream*
Wow... This is AMAZING!!
But, I do have to ask... If this is ghost ice cream, then does that mean it's made of ghosts??
And I know it sounds tempting, but being doubly dead is pretty bad too, right?
Jan 4, 2017 by Felix⠀
Whoa...this tastes very ghost-y...
I like it!
Do you know if it comes in Cookies and Cream?
Nah, you wouldn't want to try it. It kinda hurts, actually... also, you'd be dead like me.
Or maybe since we're ghosts, you'd be doubly-dead... Idk.
Jan 3, 2017 by Felix⠀
Wait, really?
Woohoo!!!! *Flies through some walls*
Wait... If we're ghosts... Then how do I eat ice cream??
I can't not eat ice cream!
(I guess I'm not...)
Also sparks taste like a battery, fire, and pain smoothie
But like, without the smooth creamy texture.
Jan 1, 2017 by Felix⠀
Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
Hey wait, are those sparks?
I wonder what they taste like... *Licks*
*Also dead*
Rip Squawks
He was an idiot
Dec 30, 2016 by Felix⠀
I wonder what's so special about today?
Dec 29, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Dec 28, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
That does sound pretty! Maybe I should try it... Instant indoor fireworks...
(Oh man, I've been there. I hope it turns up!)
Dec 27, 2016 by Felix⠀
Thanks! I used to have more, but the rinsing thing sorta broke them... ;)
And that sounds good! But, uh... What happened to your 3DS? Did you rinse it?
Dec 26, 2016 by Felix⠀