PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for TheShinyDeoxysBoy

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I've finally passed you in points
Dec 8, 2021 by BM™
May 22, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
Jul 9, 2015 by Mosmic Dragoon
Why thank you :)
Jul 2, 2015 by Mosmic Dragoon
Because it was a stupid question with no true answer.
May 11, 2015 by PsychicX1
Made the call to hide your question since it's theoretically impossible basically. Too many uncontrolled variables.
Apr 14, 2015 by Sempi
Well you could have just said that in the answer box............
Apr 11, 2015 by TheShinyDeoxysBoy
Hid your question for being utterly worthless and somewhat dumb. The minimum damage you can deal is 1, as long as the Pokemon isn't immune.
Apr 10, 2015 by Sempi
they shouldn't have down voted your answer with that one question that involved you putting "Pikachu=mouse" you were right.
Mar 4, 2015 by Mr.Absol(Deo)
A fellow Deoxys...
Feb 19, 2015 by Mr.Absol(Deo)