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User TeamRocketBossJ

Member for: 12 years (since Oct 3, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Espeon
Friend Codes: HeartGold-4556 6747 7955
White-4170 1894 1184
White 2 - 2452 2448 6982
 X    4038-7195-1655
About me: 93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7 percent who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this into your profile

If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile

Only crazy people can understand the brilliance of crazy things. If you are crazy and proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile!

If you've ever yelled at an inatimate object for not listening to you, copy and paste this into your profile.

If that inatimate object now hates you more because you yelled at it, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy and paste this into your profile

If you're hyper, like being hyper, and are hyper all the time, COPY THIS INTO YOUR PROFILE!

If you think cancer is awful, put this in your profile.

Nerds are cool. Nerds are smart. Nerds will one day rule the universe. If you're a nerd and proud of it, copy this into your profile.

If you hate those obnoxious snobby people PLEASE copy and paste this into your profile

Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you dont know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, then weird is good. If you are wierd and proud of it, then copy and paste this to your profile!

98 percent of teenagers have do or has tried smoking pot. If you are part of the 2 percent who hasn', copy this to your profile

Recent studies show that 92 percent of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you're part of the 8 percent that stayed with rock, put this in your profile

Pluto was no longer declared a planet on August 27 of 2006 just because it was "Too small" and "Off it's orbit" for a couple scientists’ likings. If you still think Pluto should be a planet then copy and paste this to your profile. LONG LIVE PLUTO!

If you have an odd sort of love/hate relationship with your computer, copy and paste this into your profile

If you can't stand preppy people who talk like this: "I like, can't believe, I like, chipped my manicure!!", copy and paste this into your profile.

If you think 'morning people' should be driven off the face of the planet so they spread their 6-AM cheer to Martians, copy and paste this to your profile.

If you are addicted to Fan-Fiction, copy this.

If you wish that fictional characters were real, copy and paste this to your profile.

If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile.

The electric chair was invented by a dentist. If you are scared now more than ever of dentists by learning this fact, put this on your profile.

If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile.

Most people would be offended if someone asked them what was wrong with their mind. Copy this into your pro if you would be one of the few people that would answer, "Where to begin?"

If you are in lala land most of the time copy this into your profile.

If you read people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste into your profile, copy and paste this into your profile

If you are the kind of person to burst out laughing over something that happened a week ago, copy and paste this to your profile.

If you get good grades and still know nothing at all, copy and paste this onto your profile.

95% of teens would cry if they saw Justin Bieber at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this if you are part of the 5 that would sit there with popcorn and a camera and yell "DO A FLIP".

I usd to have some other stuff down here but foolishy deleted them in a caffinated stupor.

Activity by TeamRocketBossJ

Score: 54 points (ranked #2,084)
Questions: 3 (2 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 16 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 72
Voted on: 2 questions, 14 answers
Gave out: 16 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 6 up votes, 7 down votes

Wall for TeamRocketBossJ

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silent wall
Nov 1, 2021 by neo magius
Hey rocket boss
Aug 23, 2020 by Calquischezlerynop
-------♥♥------PUT THIS ----♥♥-♥♥----RIBBON ---♥♥---♥♥---ON YOUR ---♥♥---♥♥---PAGE IF ---♥♥---♥♥---YOUR'E ----♥♥-♥♥----AGAINST -----♥♥♥------ANIMAL ----♥♥-♥♥----ABUSE ---♥♥---♥♥---THANK YOU

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  Copy and paste this on your profile if you like popplio:|

Sep 24, 2016 by sandshrew-bot
I'm so pissed at the anime writers right now. Like wtf is even the point of giving Greninja that hugeass shruiken if it won't mean a damn thing. Ash v Sawyer was much better, and Charizard sucks.
Aug 18, 2016 by Toucanadian
They didn't take away Pluto's planet status. They just changed the definition of "planet" and the definition took away Pluto's planet status. If the definition were changed back, certain objects as wide as Texas would be considered planets.
What's wrong with morning people? Not being a morning person is normal, and normal is bad.
Where did you get the statistics about teenagers?
A lot of people like Charizard, so why do you say that being unique is good while not being unique?
Jul 27, 2016 by sumwun
Dang, I just read that "Month" part at the bottom of your profile. That`s deep man.
Mar 17, 2015 by Dongus
Mar 24, 2014 by 3خᵭ_ʘƒ_OƈϮᴓȣe٣
The March name changes haven't come yet. It was postponed, so don't worry.
Mar 14, 2014 by Eponyta
99% of your profile belongs on mine also, but I'm too lazy to put it there.
Dec 16, 2013 by Collide
Battle me
Oct 23, 2013 by greedysavage95