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User Suh Hyun-Bin

Member for: 12 years (since Nov 13, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Take a guess, 24
Country: USA
Favorite Pokémon: Suicune, Celebi, Charizard-X, Snivy, Mewtwo-Y, Eevee
Friend Codes: Don't know 'em, ehehe.  ┐( • ヮ • )┌
About me: Hmmm...

I'm an introverted person for the most part! But, sometimes I can be a bit outgoing-ish. Hehe. I LOVE reading manga and manhwa. I don't really watch animes too much, though. Errr... I like the Japanese language and am learning it. It's reallllyyy fun~
Oh, yeah. For games, I like playing Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and Legend of Zelda for the N64, DS, and Wii. Also! The types of things I like to read... I like the adventurous, action-y type of books with a bit of tragedy in 'em. Uhhm. Another thing about me would be that I LOVE Japanese Rock!! Not because of Visual-Kei, however! Though, I do love my sexy Asian men~~
I love the music because, in my opinion, the singers seem to put more emotion/heart in their music. I also like a bit of J-pop. OK!! My favorite food would have to be beef flavored ramen and plain white rice. If you put the rice and ramen together... you should try it, it's good~! Alrighty, let's see.. Anything more? Ah, yes. If dragons existed, they'd be my favorite animal, 'nuff said. Haha.. I've talked too much, I think! Well, anyways. That's kinda about it from me. I don't think I'm too boring, at least~ :D

I wrote this when I was 16. 8 years later and the cringe is real. xD

Activity by Suh Hyun-Bin

Score: 200 points (ranked #749)
Questions: 0
Answers: 5 (5 chosen as best)
Comments: 26
Voted on: 2 questions, 15 answers
Gave out: 17 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 9 up votes, 1 down vote

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