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User Starry Whisper

Member for: 1 year (since Dec 30, 2023)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Posting on user walls
Gender: Female
Country: UK
Favorite Pokémon: Flareon and Smoliv are my life <3 I also really really like infernape and Lucario for no particular reason. Also all moon Pokemon.
Friend Codes: Don't have a switch :(
Friends list instead :)

Eclipse - Best friend irl. Love him to death. I call him Riri! He's really grumpy though hehe

Spex - Amazing friend I also love them to death. I'm older than them by two weeks exactly :3 (I'm not sharing my nickname for them because it might reveal his name and its also kinda silly and embarrassing a)

BM - Another amazing friend I also love him to death. Basically I love all my friends to death. I call him Zizi (please no more fried chicken please oh god no aaaaaaaaa) He calls me Sol :3


If I didn't mention your name but I have you added on discord/ if I talk to you then please don't be mad you're still part of this list <3
About me: Hiiii :3 (I do the colon three so if you don't like it then um idk just don't read my profile and messages or something idk)

You can call me Luna/Sol if you're BM/literally anything you want. I don't mind. Unless it's something to do with fried chicken. That's my mortal enemy.

I'm smarter than all of you combined hahahaha (I'm not) with an IQ of over 300 (it's 102 even when I studied for the IQ test (You're not meant to study for IQ tests (I think(I found out you're not)))) and I cured cancer and world hunger (I didn't). Your welcome. (It's you're.)

Anyway um I'm 17 and I am a piece of outer space. Idk I'm trying to do a funny here but I can't do a funny when I try :sob:

If you need any help with anything please ask literally anyone else except me. It's not that I don't want to help. It's that I will probably make your problem worse while I'm helping (I can burn water (I can't)). All these double and triple brackets are funny because it's like I'm whispering.

There are a bunch of phrases that only a few of you will understand so um lemme just

"Raising canes" (I hate this restaurant)
"Happy doctor" (this one is easy to understand from context)
"Kawaii flower" I think like 1 or 2 of you understand this
"So many flavours of oreo" (this isn't talking about oreos)(literally 1 person will get this)
"Sweet treat" (please no)
"Biology question" (help)
"Silly sausage" (silly sausage)
"Cilly caucage" (this one was too funny for no reason)
"What am I taking"
"Is Zeus racist" (the answer is yes)

If there are more inside jokes that I left out (Thank you tyty!) please tell me on my wall so I can put it here and make people discombobulated (I misspelled that 7 times).

If I need to add anything please let me know (BM and Riri kept pestering me to update this a)

If I ever go offline for a really long time just assume it's the autistic Egyptian woman trying to play god or the autistic British woman trying to play god (only like 3 of you understand what this means.)

Activity by Starry Whisper

Score: 32 points (ranked #3,566)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 2
Voted on: 2 questions, 5 answers
Gave out: 7 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 0 down votes

Wall for Starry Whisper

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Happy birthday!
Jan 13 by GeckoGuy
Happy Bday!
Jan 13 by Whistle650
Happy birthday
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Happy Birthday!
Jan 12 by JustATypicalPerson
Happy birthday!
Jan 12 by Mr. Fish
Happy birthday Sol, love you and miss you a lot
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if my memory serves me correctly, happy birthday
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1 year anniversary
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Nov 29, 2024 by J™
When Luna disappear again:
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