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Wall for Senjumommy Senpai (page 2)

Was the manga of Seven Deadly Sins rushed like Bleach too?
Oct 2, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu
Nice discord username but the tag?
Oct 1, 2022 by SSWD
I think I have heard that name before, but did the S3 anime adaptation of the anime have poor art style?
Oct 1, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu
Interesting. I didn't read the manga after Full bringer because I didn't want to be spoiled, also have you seen the trailers? They have some really good graphics
Oct 1, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu
Yeah lol strategy in Bleach is literally non-existent, the only thing good about it is Aizen-sama and the fights
Sep 30, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu
Don't wanna say that here but 100% agree, plot armor in Bleach is too disgusting (particularly the Ichigo vs Ulquiorra fight even though the fight is good itself). Like it's understandable that the main character going protagonist mode sometimes, but it's just too many times here.

Also, it's just not Ichigo, but a lot of side characters who should have died just show some hidden superpower suddenly or someone comes to save them.
Sep 29, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu
Me too, cause it says he doesn't get a hair on his head wet, but if be has hair on his head he isn't bald
Aug 26, 2022 by MonkeyBusiness
Aug 25, 2022 by MonkeyBusiness
Idk I saw men and fondle.

Here's a riddle:
Grandpa went for a walk, and it started raining. He forgot to bring an umbrella and didn’t have a hat. When he got home, his clothes were soaking wet, but not a hair on his head was wet. How was this possible?
Aug 25, 2022 by MonkeyBusiness
I meant a male part lol.

What is the true answer to that riddle
Aug 25, 2022 by MonkeyBusiness