Favorite Pokémon:
Darkrai, Umbreon, Gengar, Lucario, Charizard, Giratina, Tyranitar, Spiritomb, Absol, Zoroark, Mightyena, Dusknoir, Steelix, Arceus, Entei, Garchomp, Gliscor, Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Marowak, and most importantly... SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
About me:
Pokemon Trainer Gray. Look me in the eye, and you'll be sorry.
Defeated Trainers:
First Pokemon in Game: Charmander
First Pokemom in TCG: Charmander
Destiny: Super Beast Charizard Trainer-anator
Pokemon Games:
Too many to list :3 (I have all Anime region ones)
Nintendo Console:
Action Replay Aquired: No
I love being the Age of 12.... so free to live life. One problem, Im smart... I skipped 2 grades and am going to advanced 8th grade where we live at the end of summer! After that... I have time for nothing. Boy, do I hate Geometry. Anyways, I love Buffalo Wings, they are delicious when soaked in the buffalo hot sauce with a side of a Large coke. I sound fat xD I'm not.. thats just my favorite fat type food. I love playing basketball and biking to walmart :3 Soo ya, I have always loved pokemon, and though many say they are going down a bad path recently, my opinion won't change, they are awesome.
Super Duper links (Just Copy Paste em.. I know they no workz):