PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Nightfiend92

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 12, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male
Country: United States
Favorite Pokémon: Empoleon, Gallade, Escavalier, Serperior, Ageislash, Galvantula, Krookodile, Ferrothorn, Snorlax, Umbreon and Blaziken. Probably more I just need to think lol
Friend Codes: I actually have two friend codes on two DS's

My primary 3DS friend code is: 2406-5271-5481 ,My FS is Ground with Sandshrew, Camerupt and Diggersby

My secondary 2DS friend code is :2294-4712-5649, My FS is Poison with Cascoon and Venomoth. I need someone to tell me what my third is then I'll update my Profile.
About me: I've been a happy go lucky, carefree gamer since the early 90's. The first console I remember ever playing was the Super Nintendo, then the NES. After which I was hooked on gaming. I even remember the very first game I owned, and it was Pokémon Red for my Blue Game Boy Pocket. Ha so many good memories. I've been a fan of Pokémon since I was in elementary, when I asked what my friends were playing. They said "Pokémon, do you want to play?" I said sure and they told me to be a Mankey haha, so I started to act like a monkey but they corrected me and showed me on his game boy. That was then and now 16 years later and 12 Nintendo handhelds as well, I'm enjoying the hell out of Pokémon X and Y. Now I'm a gamer with great friends and amazing games. I Hope to get to make new friends here and hopefully play games with you later on. I have a Xbox account and a Steam account, so if you ever want to set up and play online give me a heads up on my wall.

Favorite Games I Own: Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2 White 2, X, Y, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Bioshock, II, Infinite, GTA IV, V, Red Dead Redemption, Oblivion, Skyrim, XCOM, The Walking Dead, Tomb Raider, State of Decay, Mass Effect, 2, 3, MINECRAFT, Left 4 Dead, 2, Lego Marvel, Dead Space, 2, 3, Dead Rising, 2, Case 0, Case West, Off the Record, Portal, 2, Soul Calibur IV, V, Halo 3, ODST, Reach, 4, Gears of War, 2, 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, 2, 3, Black Ops, 2, and to finish this list BattleBlock Theater. :D

Pokémon Teams:
**FireRed: Blastoise, Primape, Nidoking, Electrode, Arcanine, and Aerodactyl.

LeafGreen: Charizard, Parasect, Nidoqueen, Clefable, Starmie and Fearow.

HeartGold: Typhlosion, Crobat, Umbreon, Slowking, Scizor and Hitmontop.

SoulSilver: Maganuim, Ampharos, Azumarill, Espeon, Ursaring and Corsola.

Ruby: Blaziken, Mawile, Altaria, Milotic, Cradily, and Banette.

Sapphire: Swampert, Hariyama, Swalot, Camerupt, Cacturne and Aggron.

Emerald: Sceptile, Swellow, Manectric, Sharpedo, Claydol and Seviper.

Diamond: Torterra, Luxray, Bastiodon, Floatzel, Honchkrow and Toxicroak.

Pearl: Infernape, Roserade, Wormadam(TC),  Gastrodon, Drifblim and Lopunny.

***Platinum: Empoleon, Staraptor, Bronzong,  Electrivire Magmortar and Dusknoir.

Black: Serperior, Seismitoad, Sawk, Darmanitan, Archeops and Druddigon.

White: Samurott, Krookodile, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Victini and Zekrom.

*Black 2: Emboar, Excadrill, Scolipede, Cofagrigus, Elektross and Hydreigion.

White 2: Unavailable at this time.

Y: Greninja, Talonflame, Pangoro, Aegislash, Tyrantrum and Yveltal.

X: Unavailable at this time.

Thanks for look at my Profile, also if you ever want to trade, battle or chat just feel free to ask me. Thanks again. :D

Activity by Nightfiend92

Score: 20 points (ranked #7,622)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
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Wall for Nightfiend92

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Nice teams
May 5, 2014 by Masked Torterra
Real nice guy never mind last post
Nov 14, 2013 by zachydoodle
Thank you haha
Nov 14, 2013 by Nightfiend92
awesome person
Nov 14, 2013 by JOPWN_1