PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Kameko (page 7)

Kyron, today perhaps, we could start the team?
Aug 20, 2013 by Flare
...You still did BA some of my answers. ;P
Aug 20, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Since I'm a nice person, I just want to say this:
Thank you so much for BAing some of my answers - I appreciate it. Thank you person with mod powers! (i.e. Mod)
http://i.imgur.com/LAcP1ZG.png?1 ~<3
Aug 19, 2013 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Litleo=Shinx on fire :P
Aug 17, 2013 by Aeternis
Wow I seriously didn't know that. I haven't been keeping up with the new gen :3
Aug 16, 2013 by Flare
Sorry Kyron, I got carried away making the Team while also arguing with my Sister. It's still not done XD

But when your up to a Monotype Battle for fun, Im always (most of the time) up for it!
Aug 16, 2013 by Enoch.EXE
Who's that Pokemon? Idek if that's legit or not xD
Aug 14, 2013 by Flare
Quest, I kinda made that meme using your other grav so you kinda ruined. :/ Thanks a lot Bad Guy Kyron.
Aug 14, 2013 by melcakes
what she said
Aug 14, 2013 by MrKijani
omg such a cute G-tar. :)
Aug 14, 2013 by Poke'slash