PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Kameko (page 6)

Thanks Kyron
Oct 16, 2013 by Poke'slash
Kyron will you Monotype battle me sometime? :3
Oct 16, 2013 by Poke'slash
Oct 16, 2013 by Poke'slash
I didn't know I was a Roserade... B)
Oct 15, 2013 by Mosmic Dragoon
I commented on your wall
Oct 12, 2013 by melcakes
Oct 12, 2013 by melcakes
yay c;
Oct 6, 2013 by MonoUmbreon
Wait, Slash posted twice so she should be one and two and I should have sex. D:
Oct 2, 2013 by melcakes
1. Decides the creepy house is safe:  Poke'slash
2. Screams like a banshee: Flare
3. Scares you as a joke: Hotcakes (it fits so well)
4. Has sex, gets killed: ShinySuicune101
5. The first to go insane: ShinySuicune101
6. Murdered saving someone: RedtheLEGEND
7. Has your back no matter what jumps out: StarsignOfTheAbyss
8. Has a solid survival plan no one listens too: DemonFlygawne
9. Is really the killer: pokemonlover11
Sep 27, 2013 by Kameko
xD I guess you just are.
Sep 27, 2013 by Poke'slash