PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 82)

"So, if you're dying on New Years, please die safely." - RelaxAlax
Dec 29, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"Wow, milk. I've never seen milk, thank you." -M2K
Dec 28, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986. That's eighty two decimals, if you don't sub I'm gonna ban you." -M2K
Dec 28, 2016 by Hellfire Taco

Dec 26, 2016 by wokeboke
"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to rek you." -Me
Dec 25, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
Holey crapu
I'd like some soup
Dec 25, 2016 by wokeboke
"The fact that one of my favorite songs is basically just a bunch of drums, seemingly random guitar shredding, and a slide whistle confuses me." -Me
Dec 24, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
Seeing Goht on your profile filled me with a sense of nostalgia for Majora's Mask.

I think I'll go replay it.
Dec 24, 2016 by wokeboke
Dec 18, 2016 by Toucanadian
"And then my bad dreams involve orange juice or falling into lockers that are actually the sky." -Will
Dec 17, 2016 by Hellfire Taco