PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 86)

"All aboard the hype train, next stop: world record." -Sethbling
Apr 29, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"No, not that kind of threesome." -One of my teachers
Apr 8, 2016 by Hellfire Taco

-When multis were a thing?
-When the "rip list" was a thing?
-When I didn't ever change my grav?
-Wheneople didnt burst into argument every damn hour?
-When we were rivals for points on pokebase?
-When I even used pokebase and was considered a fast point hoarder?
-When the "demented pokemon" were a thing?
-When I thought I murdered ray?
-When seraflamey wall poems were a thing?
-When poem murdering was a thing?
-When google translate was a thing?
-When helix shipped everyone and their mother?
-When several users would refuse to reveal their irl name, age, or look?
-When peoples' crushes were actually private?
-When I almost fell into a coma?
-When everyone had their old usernames?
-When ray didnt exist?
-When you were a total fanboy of astro (...wait you still are)?
-When I wasn't obsessed with undertale?
-When I was afraid of flowey (jfc self, flowey is adorable)?
-When I ranted about art a frikin ton?
-When I didn't always type "Chat" with a capital C?
-When irl people didn't stalk me?


When Chat wasn't cancer?
Mar 5, 2016 by Hexahedron
Remember that one time on the DB when:
I didn't use proper grammar
I got banned because I thought Google Translate was the funniest thing in the world
Mike trolled me on Mario Kart 7
When a bunch of people got kicked for saying "Hail kickbot (\o.o)\" (I wasn't kicked :D)
Multi battles were a thing
Ninja called my name stupid (Liek if u cri everytiem ;_;)
More to come soon...
Mar 5, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
January 19, 2016:
The day I shipped everybody in chat with Jimmy Dean
Including Icy and some random user I didn't know
Jan 20, 2016 by Hellfire Taco