PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hellfire Taco (page 64)

He Dead!
Mar 3, 2019 by Dr.Lugia
apparently no.
Feb 28, 2019 by sumwun
What's up lately? You still alive?
Feb 20, 2019 by Silverdragon :D
Hey, I know you already downvoted (99.999999% chance), and I'm not telling you that you have to upvote me or anything like that. Just, that was before my edit, and oof.
Feb 18, 2019 by Syl ™
That's cool, SadisticMystic used a better calculator. Thanks anyway.
Jan 30, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
Can you double-check my calculation on the answer I put on this question?
It wouldn't let me input Minimize on my device so I just manually doubled the result I got. I just wanted to make sure my damage calculation was accurate (when it probably isn't).

Jan 29, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
1. Okay.
2. (° ͜ʖ°)
3. 10101100011101011011000101010111011
Jan 20, 2019 by Azelfeo
1. Impossible (but if it's true... All I can say is, "...You will.").
2.  (° ͜ʖ°)
3. Bödvar is the strongest character. Don't try to convince me otherwise.
Jan 20, 2019 by Azelfeo
They're "your" secrets, how would I know what they are? But... I did see you telling sumwun to keep a secret. Is that not what you were doing? The definition of secret: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-ab&ei=q99DXLvGMIL0tAXE3JTIAw&q=secret+def&oq=secret+def&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.0i71l8.9344.9344..9444...0.0..0.0.0.......0....1..gws-wiz.b4bjhDdIlJU - Everyone has a secret, no matter what they say. There's always something that someone just wants to keep... Secret.

(And so, the fight of who can confuse each other the most continues. Also, Brawlhalla is awesome.)
Jan 20, 2019 by Azelfeo
Of course you do but, okay. Well, now I will call my discovery, "weird/embarrassing facts that 'you' want to keep private."
Jan 20, 2019 by Azelfeo