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Wall for BananaBroSHSID

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interesting, though i'm not sure if i should be the nduu slot or ndmono slot should we do that tournament lol
17 hours ago by -RisingManectric-
half of me wants to do nothing at all
half of me wants to destroy anything and everything
what is wrong with me
1 day ago by BananaBroSHSID
1 day ago by JustATypicalPerson
You should post on the cosmog MSQ and make a cool movesey
3 days ago by ~Silver~
Yes. I just don't see how it relates to what I said about the SoJ.
3 days ago by Mr. Fish
Womp womp

Also why are you mentioning dd groudon and gliscor?
4 days ago by Mr. Fish
humans what do i do abt the character count i hit the limit again and idk what to remove ;-;
4 days ago by BananaBroSHSID
what are your personal opinions on Z-A? now that we know a lot more about it.
4 days ago by FieryHalmar
Swords of Justice
You brain dead idiot
5 days ago by Mr. Fish
It's the list of Pokemon I need to complete my Shield living dex.

kingdra, electivire, and scizor I can get as fixed spawns in certain weathers but I fumbled with electivire and haven't gotten lucky since.
The porygon evos I need to trade and same for pinsir as it's a Sword exclusive I can't get unless I transfer one up from ORAS.
The legends I'm getting non shiny through my current Shield playthrough. I technically already have zamazenta and silvally but I'm doing a playthrough anyways so I need those. I also have a shiny event zacian but that only goes in the dex temporarily.
5 days ago by Mr. Fish