PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 79)

Please do not flood my wall. /j
Mar 27, 2022 by Amethyst
Bee Pen Dimension 10 - Pee Ben 10's Legacy

It was a normal day in Pee Bensville. Actually it was Kansas but that's what Pee Ben had called it because he had a big ego. It was ten years since Pee Ben had been defeated by some villain from season seven whose name nobody can recall and was buried despite being still alive. However, when he finally dug his way out of the ground, he expected to see the world in ruins because plot armor hadn't allowed him to beat the bad guy who probably had pink hair. Surprisingly, the world wasn't in ruins. And on that day, the life of a young boy named Bee Pen "Dimension" Ten (why his nickname is Dimension was never explained and it was never used anyway so whatever) was going to be forever changed. Bee Pen was taking a hike because he hadn't went outside in like two years when he saw a figure with glowing red eyes approaching him. For whatever reason, he wasn't concerned in the slightest. But then he realized who the figure was: his hero who had mysteriously vanished ten years ago, despite the fact that Bee Pen hadn't been alive at the time, Pee Ben 10. "Is that... Pee Ben 10?!" he cried. They just looked at each other for a few minutes as dramatic music played in the background. "Hey." "Hey." "I thought you were dead or something." "No my plot armor finally kicked in." "Cool." "Yeah." "Yeah." This conversation, if you can call it that, had a deep meaning that nobody's been able to figure out yet. It was then that Bee Pen felt a strange feeling. It felt like... actually he just felt bored. But all of a sudden, his body was enveloped in a blue glow. "Okay, so I gave you and your friends some cool powers or something. And now I'm gonna die because my plot armor wore off. Bye kid." Pee Ben said before disappearing into nothingness. Bee Pen shrugged and dramatically cried for no apparent reason as the intro played, which was really seizure-inducing and featured a parody of We Don't Talk About Bruno playing on loop for twenty-seven minutes. After that, Bee Pen went to school and decided to tell his best friends Strawberry Shortcake and Spooky Simp Snake Man about what had happened. However, it took a while to get their attention because Strawberry Shortcake was talking about motorcycles and poker and some kid named Youyah or something weird like that while Spooky Simp Snake Man simped for her nonstop despite her not even knowing he was sitting right next to her. Once he finally got them to listen, they just blinked because they had no idea what he was talking about. "So you died and met yourself?" Spooky Simp Snake Man asked. "No! I met PEE Ben, not BEE Pen!" Bee Pen said furiously. His two friends said "ohhhhhh" like they understood despite not understanding. "He said he gave us powers... but what kind of powers?" Bee Pen wondered out loud. "We have powers other than simping? Since when?" Strawberry Shortcake asked, still not listening very well because she had headphones on and was loudly playing the theme song of her favorite show Magical Poker Starfish Midgets - The Adventures of Palm Tree Head on loop. Just then, Spooky Simp Snake Man decided to be an even cringier simp and hug Strawberry Shortcake. But the moment he did, they both magically disappeared in a flash of blue, leaving Bee Pen alone. Except for those other 200 kids who didn't notice anything for whatever reason. Bee Pen, being a good friend, didn't try to search for them or anything and they eventually magically appeared in front of him for plot reasons. "DUDE LIKE WHAT THE FRICK?!" they all said at the same time. "What happened to you?! You disappeared all of a sudden!" Bee Pen exclaimed. "Uh dunno I just hugged Strawberry Shortcake and magically transported to hell or something." Spooky Simp Snake Man replied. "How'd you get back?" Bee Pen asked. "Well, when we were attacked by creepypasta monsters, I hugged Strawberry Shortcake and was gonna declare that I have a crush on her for the tenth time- I mean tell her a really good strategy I had to escape when we reappeared back here." "Well alrighty then." The trio whirled around as dramatic music played again. Standing behind them (he had Sonic the Hedgehog's legs for some reason) was a Kyogre with Gau and Danny Phantom's hair who was very fat for no apparent reason. Bee Pen and Spooky Simp Snake Man gasped dramatically. "It's- it's-" "DANNY!" Strawberry Shortcake shrieked and started blathering to him about how much of a simp she was. He just looked bored. "Danny Gaumal Phantogre! I should've known you'd come here to steal our dimension-hopping-by-hugging powers!" Bee Pen yelled, declaring that his friends had traveled through dimensions so therefore they had. "Actually I just came here to tell you that you should shut up and that Spooky Simp Snake Man has a crush on Strawberry Shortcake." Danny replied. "Oh." After a long, awkward silence, Bee Pen acted like Danny had done something bad. "I'll show you for uh... you know, being a villain and stuff!" "Yeah, and I'll beat you up because... you're Bee Pen so yeah." Then Bee Pen tried to slap Danny while bragging about how cool he was, but Danny just kicked him really hard and he fell over. "BEE PEN!" Strawberry Shortcake screamed because screaming the main character's name and simping for anime characters was pretty much all she did. Spooky Simp Snake Man dropped to his knees and wailed like a little kid because reasons. "That was really something. Bye." Danny turned around to leave, but Bee Pen pushed himself up a little dramatically and glared at him. "Phantogre...! Come back here...! I'll teach you a lesson for..." Having absolutely no idea how to end that sentence, he passed out. When he came to, he was in a hospital even though he was barely injured. Strawberry Shortcake and Spooky Simp Snake Man were crying like he was dead and planning a funeral. "Hey you simps I'm still alive!" The two simps realized this and started crying harder because they thought he'd never wake up despite him being unconscious for literally five minutes. While the simps wailed nonstop, Bee Pen thought about his situation. His hero, Pee Ben 10, had granted him and his friends the ability to hop between dimensions when they hugged people. And now Danny Gaumal Phantogre was doing evil stuff or something like that. But before he could decide what to do, Spooky Simp Snake Man decided to simp for Strawberry Shortcake. He went on a three minute long love confession, but she didn't hear him because she was short and still had headphones on. So he hugged her, and they warped into a different dimension again. Bee Pen sighed very heavily.

The end. / To be continued. / I want fudge.
Mar 27, 2022 by Gau
ily too <3
Mar 26, 2022 by Amethyst
Mar 26, 2022 by ~DracoMeteor~
Mar 26, 2022 by vydestiny
Gosh golly gee whiz whillikers!
Mar 26, 2022 by Amethyst
yours lovingly
Mar 25, 2022 by vydestiny
I'll fly you straight to the gulag
Mar 25, 2022 by PX
you counts how many times you were kicked?
Mar 25, 2022 by Chaos481
Mar 25, 2022 by Amethyst