PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 78)

Apr 1, 2022 by AstroBirb
Mar 31, 2022 by Mr. Fish
It's the first in a long line
Mar 31, 2022 by Amethyst
Bee Pen Dimension 10 - Battle of the Simps

After Bee Pen left the hospital, he was planning to go back home and eat a whole bottle of honey while thinking very deeply. But before he and his friends Spooky Simp Snake Man and Strawberry Shortcake, who had apparently returned from whatever dimension they'd teleported to, could even cross the street, a voice called out to them dramatically. "Halt!" They turned around to see a three foot tall girl who was wearing cat ears. So they kept walking. After four minutes, Bee Pen and Spooky Simp Snake Man finally halted as the girl kept commanding them to do while throwing hissy fits. Then Strawberry Shortcake, who had been simping for a different anime boy than usual and was therefore lost in thought, bumped into Spooky Simp Snake Man, who simped for her really hard just because he could. Bee Pen, ignoring them, decided to ask the girl (who was about seven years old) a couple questions. "Who the heck are you and why did you want us to stop?" "My name is-" The girl tried to strike a pose, but her cat ears fell off and she had to put them back on. "Uh where was I- oh yeah, my name is Shrew Cart and I have a bone to pick with you because you were really mean!" she said dramatically. "I'm always really mean. What's your point?" Bee Pen asked. Shrew Cart's face went red with anger. "You were mean! And more mean than usual! You made Danny really upset!" she yelled. "Danny? Danny Gaumal Phantogre? For your information, he was doing, uh... evil stuff I guess, so he deserved it." Bee Pen replied with a shrug, still completely unaware of what Danny had or hadn't done. "Shut up! Danny didn't deserve to be sad no matter what he did!" Shrew Cart continued to yell. Bee Pen and his friends were about to leave, but Shrew Cart jabbed a finger at Strawberry Shortcake. "Stop right there, Strawberry Shortcake!" Everyone turned back around because Shrew Cart was even more ticked off than before. "You were even more mean than Bee Pen!" Strawberry Shortcake blinked. "Really? All I do is simp-" "Exactly! You're a Danny simp!" At this, everyone burst into laughter because they knew the little girl had to have hit her head or something to even have the thought that Strawberry Shortcake simped for Danny. "STOP LAUGHING! I HATE YOU!" Shrew Cart shrieked. "What in Gau's name makes you think I simp for Danny when I only simp for-" "YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN A DANNY SIMP AND ALWAYS WILL BE A DANNY SIMP AND YOU'RE A DANNY SIMP!" "No I'm not." "Yes you are!" "No I'm not." "YES YOU ARE!" "No I'm-" "I HATE YOU!" Shrew Cart yelled. Again. Then, being driven crazy by the fact that everyone was understandably laughing at her, pulled a magic wand out of her backpack and pointed it at Strawberry Shortcake. "I'll make sure Danny NEVER likes you EVER!" "But he doesn't-" Shrew Cart, cutting Strawberry Shortcake off once again, waved around her wand and sang a really cringey song about being a Danny simp, which ended with "oh yeah Strawberry Shortcake is mean and a Danny simp so now I'm turning her and her friends into anime characters". As she annoyingly sang those words, there was a burst of smoke. And when it cleared, Bee Pen and his friends were gone. In their places were three anime characters. "Uh... what is this supposed to accomplish again?" Bee Pen asked. Spooky Simp Snake Man took one look at Strawberry Shortcake and started to simp for her even harder than before because now she had eyes the size of dinner plates which was apparently attractive for some reason. "Danny would never like an anime girl! So I win!" Shrew Cart declared while laughing maniacally. "Why am I blond?" Strawberry Shortcake asked, because that was the only thing she noticed that was off. However, before anyone could answer that question, Danny Gaumal Phantogre waddled over on his Sonic the Hedgehog legs. "What the hell?" he asked upon noticing that Bee Pen and his friends were now anime characters. Shrew Cart immediately started fangirling over him, much to the exasperation of everyone around her. "Danny now that I turned Strawberry Shortcake into an anime girl do you like me?" she eventually asked. Danny just looked at her like she was high. "Uh, no." he said, leaving before Bee Pen could accuse him of doing nothing in particular. Then Shrew Cart broke down in tears and everyone returned to normal-ish. "Oh yeah I guess I'm supposed to say something nice or something right?" Bee Pen asked himself. His friends shrugged, so he hesitantly patted the seven year old on the shoulder, and she looked up at him. "Bee Pen, I'm s-s-so sorry I-I was such a jerk to y-you and your f-f-friends..." she choked in-between sobs. "Okay." he replied. "That's it! As of now, you're my new bestie!" Shrew Cart told him, not crying at all anymore because reasons. "...What?" Spooky Simp Snake Man and Strawberry Shortcake asked. Bee Pen would've said the same thing, but he was too busy running away from Shrew Cart, who happened to be chasing him around at three hundred miles per hour for no apparent reason.

The end.
Mar 30, 2022 by Gau
did you talk to him
Mar 30, 2022 by Chao220
My gaming PC monitor comes in today B)))))
Mar 30, 2022 by Chao220
It might still be alive they do that sometimes
Mar 30, 2022 by ~Silver~
Some guy named Dominick tried to Link Trade with me like five times.

bee pen's real name is Dominick confirmed
Mar 30, 2022 by Gau