PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 62)

"You can't just have a character randomly get depressed because they dropped their ice cream on the floor, and now they wanna commit suicide because they can't have their banana split" -something I read once
Jun 28, 2022 by Gau
Random and wonderful quotes from some characters that I thought of like four hours ago (the quotes not the characters):

"She mentioned that she wanted you to sing with her. Four times."

"You looked like you were about to throw yourself into his arms and drool all over his shirt."

"You... you... REAR END!"

"I never knew blonds were magnetic."

"I never said I take baths."

"These people seriously believe the divine creator's tooth fell out and they came into existence?"

"Wait, so you're, like... immortal or something?"

"I heard stories that you fended off a grown man who was trying to attack your friend. Don't disappoint me."

"Are you telling me that, since I talked to him, he's now in love with me?"
"Think about it. Nobody else talks to him."

"The guy looked like he curled his hair. With lightning rods. During a thunderstorm."

"That guy has more girls crushing on him than I've had birthdays."

"How can she not realize by now that half of her friends hate her?"
Jun 28, 2022 by Gau
That was already what I was planning to name my character in Violet, haha.
Jun 28, 2022 by KRLW890
Jun 27, 2022 by Redvolt77
Why are you saying I'm cringe
Jun 27, 2022 by Redvolt77
"It was like waking from a long dream...
But, now his father and sister have disappeared and no one else recognizes him...

Yet, the vision remains strong.
Deep within the corners of his mind, he hears it calling.
A different world...
A world of silence...
A world of darkness.
He moves toward it, feeling both fear and exhilaration.
He succumbs and the darkness welcomes him.

" You are the one "
the demon screeches.
Reaching deep within his own heart, he realizes that it is true.
Then, in that moment, reality washes away and the dream begins to take shape..."

"...Well, that escalated quickly..."
Jun 26, 2022 by Gau
"Oh man. I'm not cute anymore, am I?"

"Guys with cool blue hair don't have to pay rent!"

"Get a job. And a new cat."

"Apparently translators were expensive back in the day."

"Meet the enemy less. Such grammar."

"It's 40 HP, stupid."

"Deposi your coin in the Ba."

"A sword has a long blade. Very informative."

"Memeko. The namage."

"Stop blocking my path you mediocre dunces!"

"I will not buy the Grass Man."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but most animals live."

"I miss you being a not-muscular little guy with a stick."


"He has moved to level 2. Also he has obtained TimeWarp. Those people on level 2 must be fancy."

"Just stick your hand in the water and pull out a fish, ya dope."
Jun 25, 2022 by Gau
Jun 25, 2022 by Gau
Since I don't have my paypal yet I take in game currencies as a payment method! Im currently running Genesis Crystals (Genshin in-game currency) or Welkin Moon's Blessing (same as the latter). Mostly Gencrys though since Welkin is a monthly thing.

Hit me up if you're interested :D
Jun 25, 2022 by siegfriedsystem
"Don't you just love the faithfully recreated pixel art Vaporeon hiding behind a tree that is literally a large brown stripe with no detail whatsoever?"

"Oh no the Raichu."


"OMG super scary creepypasta Pikachu like OMG like like scary OMG."

"Why the hell did I decide that a Vaporeon who stands on two legs and wields a barbed wire whip was a good idea? Oh yeah. I was ten."

"Hm, yes, my favorite ship. Silver the Hedgehog x Kirlia."

"This depresses me."

"Did I seriously name it 'Lopunny's Team-Making Hut'? Real creative, ten year old me. Real freakin' creative."

"These stories get better the more the Windows XP Narrator reads them."

"Ah, my favorite starter Pokemon: ticked leaf ninja cat, depressed Charmander cat, and overly happy raindrop cat. Also robot cat. Though the weird black-and-rainbow Rayquaza rip-off was mildly cool."
(They weren't actually fan-made Pokemon but it was funnier when I reacted to them like that.)

"Apparently I decided that making a movie about a Pikachu electrocuting a Zubat was a good idea."

"A small square with feet. The skill involved in creating that, man..."

"Magical butterflies."
Jun 24, 2022 by Gau