PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Avenge with…Spoons

Member for: 8 years (since Jan 5, 2017)
Type: Registered user
Gender: As genderless as Mewtwo. Stop calling Mewtwo a “he.”
Country: None of your business.
Favorite Pokémon: Alakazam, Bisharp, Deoxys, Haunter, Scizor, and Marshadow.
Friend Codes: 2208-6467-9611
About me: I'm a young artist and a “Super Smash Bros.” amiibo collector. I'm fairly new to Pokémon because I was rather closed-minded to the series when I was younger. I have “Pokémon X” and “Pokémon Moon” at the moment. I am not a person who claims that they are a fan despite only playing “Pokémon GO”. In my opinion, “Pokémon GO” sucks nowadays.

I'm flexible with Pokémon designs. I care more about quality. Even the fact that Scraggy & Scrafty have baggy dead skin is fine with me.

Trainer names:
HitmonchanFTW! (“Pokémon Moon”)
Bisharp!!!! (“Pokémon X”)

General team in “Pokémon Moon:”
Snorlax (TripleDigest)
Tapu Fini (Mareni)
Lunala (Luna)
Incineroar (*thinking of a new nickname*)
Muk (Goop pile)
I hope that my sixth member will be a Lurantis.

Currently, I do not battle online because I'm training my Pokémon even further.

YouTube channel: The Aura of Smashville

Activity by Avenge with…Spoons

Score: 26 points (ranked #5,282)
Questions: 4 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 3
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Avenge with…Spoons

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You can do some truly serious damage with a spoon. I just hope you know what you're doing.
Oct 11, 2020 by WhoGotzDaFud
hi. welcome.
Jan 5, 2017 by sumwun