PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Anchor9 (page 23)

622 points! Congrats
Sep 16, 2023 by mee
Did you know that fewer than 25% of all viewers read the rules? It helps a lot, so be sure to click that button!
Sep 16, 2023 by mee
You're on your way to 600, and me to 700! Good luck
Sep 16, 2023 by mee
Sep 16, 2023 by Call me Joey
Did you know that fewer than 25% of all viewers read the rules? It helps a lot, so be sure to click that button!
Sep 15, 2023 by Amethyst
i am the rules
Sep 15, 2023 by PX
yeah im on discord now, but I can only use it at school bc vpn sucks at home
Sep 15, 2023 by BananaBroSHSID
Sep 14, 2023 by mee
nice anchor
Sep 13, 2023 by mee
Maybe the best way is to see for yourself using an internet archive: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://pokemondb.net/pokebase
There is also some history on this page (though this was written a while ago): https://pokemondb.net/about
- The community was smaller in 2010-11. It was mostly the same few people asking and answering questions, and it was easier to get points (which is why everyone at the top of the points table is from those years).
- The site picked up a lot in 2012-14, which coincided with the website in general being redesigned. The Showdown server https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/28174 was big at the time. Most of the people I know from this site were active in this era.
- Activity slowed since then, as social media + messaging apps have become dominant and a lot of questions have already been asked. Or maybe it's just me... this place has been mostly my responsibility since I became mod in 2015.
- More recently, we've been tightening the rules and honing in on the site's Q&A niche, which I think keeps it spry. It's probably the tidiest it's ever been nowadays.
Sep 13, 2023 by Fizz