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User AmazinA

Member for: 5 years (since Dec 14, 2019)
Type: Registered user
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Gender: Male
Country: Great Britain
Favorite Pokémon: Blaziken/Groudon
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Activity by AmazinA

Score: 40 points (ranked #2,798)
Questions: 1
Answers: 0
Comments: 1
Voted on: 1 question, 0 answers
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Wall for AmazinA

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Hey, thanks for getting in contact.
Principally, the rule which that post broke is the first one underneath the 'Rate My Team' header in the rules list. As mentioned there, the focus of the RMT section is teams used in competitive settings. This is generally accepted to mean battles against other people, but we've expanded that to include post-game battle facilities like the Battle Tower. However, the team you posted only had the features of a standard in-game team, i.e. for use during the game's story and not necessarily against other people. This is why I removed it.
An ideal post in the RMT section would specify which competitive battling format it is intended for (e.g. VGC, Smogon OU, Battle Stadium Singles, etc.) and, as a minimum, specify moves, items, abilities, natures and EVs for all Pokemon listed. This is also mentioned underneath the RMT header in the rules list. For an idea of what this looks like in a post, you could look at some of the teams which are live in the RMT section. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/rmt/questions
Hopefully, this is sufficient as an explanation? If you have anything more to ask, please let me know.
Dec 31, 2019 by Fizz