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User AbsoliteMega

Member for: 8 years (since Nov 25, 2016)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Female
Favorite Pokémon: Absol!
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About me: You can find me on Pokefarm Q: http://pfq.me/Absolite

Hi! AbsoliteMega here, you can just call me Absolite.

I'm a Pokemon fan since I'm 2015, which is not long but I do know a little bit about Online Battling. I've played Pokemon Rom Hacks way more than legit Gamefreak released Pokemon games, mainly because I don't have a lot of money.

Feel free to ask me for a battle, I'll accept as long as holidays are on, I'm not busy for a test or it's a weekend. But I'll warn you though, if you want a hard opponent, ask the other Pokemon Trainers out there. I'm not really good at battling and team building, so this is kinda why I'm here, to get some advice.

My birthday is on 27/05, just so if you're asking, don't bother, just look here!

My favorite Pokemon is Absol, as you probably noticed. My other favorites are in a list down here:

Fav Pokemon: Absol
Fav Eeveelution: Glaceon
Fav Pseudo Legendary: Goodra
Fav Fossil: Aurorus
Fav Starter from each gen: Charizard, Typholsion, All from gen 3, Empoleon, Serperier and Primaria
Fav Cosplay Pikachu: Pikachu Rockstar
Fav Legendary: Rayquazar and Lugia
Fav Legendary Trio: The Swords of Justice

-The reason for Absol to be my favorite is because of its design when it Mega Evolves and its crazy crit chain it got me one time in competitive battling.
-Glaceon for it's design and it sweeped 4 Pokemon out from a team being my last Pokemon, one of their Pokemon survived with almost no HP and KOed my Glaceon who has only 14% left.
-Goodra beated Hydregon for this place because of its amazing role in the anime.
-Aurorus replaced Archeops for that both of it's own ability is better than Archeops' without a doubt.
-The Starters from each gen I don't think I have to explain.
-Favorite Cosplay Pikachu is Rockstar because of Meteor Mash.
-Favourite Legendarys are Rayquazar because when it mega evolves it's stats are higher than Arceus himself, Lugia for the second Pokemon movie being my favorite Pokemon movie of all time.
-The Swords of Justice being my absolute Favorite Legendary Trio because of the fact that they had great designs and Virizion saved me once in a battle.

Activity by AbsoliteMega

Score: 52 points (ranked #2,123)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 1
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 0 down votes

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