That wasn't a team, but the ones I listed are ones I've used a lot in trial teams. I also like to use Multiscale Dragonite, Rocky Helmet/Rough Skin Garchomp, Mega Altaria, Goodra, and Noivern.
Dec 22, 2022
Th Dragons I normally use mostly aren't available in normally Gen 9. (Latias, Kommo-o, Kyurem, Flygon, Duraludon)
Dec 22, 2022
I set up a first draft.
Droopy Tatsugiri - Male with Bold Nature and Commander. Hunted for in Scarlet with Sparkling Power Level 3 active at Casseroya Lake on December 5t, 2022. Caught at Level 53.
Goomy - Nicknamed Daniel. Male with Jolly Nature and Sap Sipper. Randomly encountered in Scarlet with Sparkling Power Level 3 active at Casseroya Lake on December 5th, 2022. Caught at Level 50.
Pawmi - Nicknamed Kira. Female with Adamant Nature and Natural Cure. Hunted for in Scarlet with Sparkling Power Level 3 active in South Province (Area Five) on December 7th, 2022. Caught at Level 18.
Veluza - Female with Quiet Nature and Mold Breaker. Randomly encountered in Scarlet with Sparkling Power Level 3 active in West Province (Area One) on December 9th, 2022. Caught at Level 26.
Characters: 761
Pokemon (Nickname) | Gender | Ability | Nature | (Randomly encountered) Game caught in, level caught at (Pokemon caught as), applied affects, location, date
Droopy Tatsugiri | M | Commander | Bold | Scarlet, 53, Sparkling Power 3, Casseroya Lake, 5/12/2022
Goomy (Daniel) | M | Sap Sipper | Jolly | (R) Scarlet, 50, Sparkling Power 3, Casseroya Lake, 5/12/2022
Pawmi (Kira) | F | Natural Cure | Adamant | Scarlet, 18, Sparkling Power 3, South Province (Area Five), 7/12/2022
Veluza | F | Mold Breaker | Quiet | (R) Scarlet, 18, Sparkling Power 3, West Province (Area One), 9/12/2022
Characters (not counting the formatting key thingamajig): 428
It's kinda irritating to read (and just kinda... looks bad), and is currently incomplete, but it cuts back on space a bit. If I were to change every Shiny to that formatting, I could likely fit a few more into my About Me.
Dec 12, 2022