PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 33)

Well, look forward to matching up with you. One of the only formats I have a chance anyway, as it's pure luck and no skill.
Also, what's up?
Feb 12, 2023 by Talos
Oh monotype's very fun. Water is dominating rn, and I've having trouble with my mono-steel and mono-dark teams. Mono-Water vs Mono-Water is a coin toss. They should just ban Damp Rock. If only mono-Grass was viable vs other types...
Metronome battles are very fun. You signing up for the Mewtronome tournament?
Feb 11, 2023 by Talos
Thanks :)
Feb 10, 2023 by Fizz
Re promos: Nobody's going to be mad at you for doing it, but there's not much point. Pokemaster doesn't frequent the recent activity list and he'll see the thread next time he sits down and whips through some meta threads.
If it takes a really long time, I'll remind him in an email with some other things.
Re calc: Arceus has the same Def/SpD and doesn't have pre-built sets in the calculator to misclick. It's just to make a point, so it doesn't matter the exact scenario will never happen.
Feb 9, 2023 by Fizz
Thanks! Yeah, Medicham + Oricorio is working pretty well on the ladder, and Masquerain is a hidden gem with the WebDance set. Though I still prefer Monotype :)
What other metagames do you play? Also yeah, Sharpedo is way cooler than Absol. Though it looks like it had it's back half eaten off
Feb 8, 2023 by Talos
Yea BL was between Ou/UU, BL2 UU/RU and so on.
Feb 7, 2023 by Luscinia
Gen 9 NU is pretty hard to figure for some reason. I guess it's just the lack of options or something. I tried a screens team, and then a webs team. Both of them were not bad, but well, couldn't get past the 1300s. No sense of satisfaction. I'm thinking of trying sand though.
Monotype and Ubers seems much more fun rn. OU is just the same ten pokemon again and again, and UU is just Bisharp + random gimmick. Thoughts?
Feb 7, 2023 by Talos
Did they change the name of the BLs e.e?
Feb 7, 2023 by Luscinia
It's Uu/BL2?
Feb 7, 2023 by Luscinia
How much of a bribe do I need to convince you to do a lycanroc Dusk moveset :v?
Feb 7, 2023 by Luscinia