PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 31)

The Perfect Accuracy User starring Absol! This is for generation 3 games like Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire. The moves are:
Faint Attack-STAB move that has perfect accuracy.
Aerial Ace- Not only a no miss move, but also covers up Absol's weaknesses to Bug and Fighting types.
Shock Wave-A no miss move that takes down Water and Flying Pokemon.
Swift-A move to complete this no move set.

For the best results, have Absol hold a Peytaya
Berry. PLEASE make sure it also has Modest, Rash, Mild, Quiet, or Bashful nature.
Apr 8, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
volt already be editing moveset answers lol
Apr 8, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
congrats man :)
Apr 7, 2023 by Amethyst
Apr 7, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
Apr 7, 2023 by J™
congrats on editor, keep the great movesets coming :)
Apr 7, 2023 by MangoBrick
D-Dance World Breaker 9th Generation D-Dance Act

Iron peak @ energy boost
Operation: Quarks pushed
Type of lesson: Golf
Tram: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Sp
Peace upon him Adam did the same
- Late autumn
- story
- Lat
- Dragon Dance

Turn on Iron Fruit or EQ users like Sandy Shoes, Tera, and D-Dance and keep losing. Includes a thunderclap beast with a nice charge of 15 MP (unlocked as a life orb), stone edge STAB, EQ. Adam Jolie takes math very seriously. A few quick notes.

252+ Atk Quark Drive World Flying Iron Thorn vs Earthquake 0 HP / 0 Def Arena Burst: 328-386 (105.4-124.1%) - guaranteed OHKO
+2,252+ Atk Quark Drive Tera Volans Iron Thorn Edgestone etc 252 HP / 4 Table Def Wo-Chien Ruins: 357-420 (95.4-112.2%) - 68.8% OHKOed
+2,252+ Atk Quark Drive Tera Vole Iron Thorn Earthquake Counter 252 HP / 4 Def Gastrodon: 433-510 (101.6 - 119.7%) - OHKO Guarantee
Apr 5, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Apr 5, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
National Dex one-type assault vest (electric).

Iron Hand @ Assault Vest
Ability: Quark Drive
Ground Type: Electric
Electric Cars: 72 HP / Attack 92 / Defense 52 / Speed 248 / Speed 44
They have a cautious nature.
- Empty the hole
- Ice Cube
Stone Road
- Voltage Breaker / Heavy Strike / Earthquake

Iron Hand acts as a high-defense offensive tank vest with power-ups, punches, and more to punish opposing Pokémon. With a powerful punch that can drain an opponent's Pokemon's HP and restore some of the opponent's HP, it can handle Pokemon like Hydregon and Bliss. With its Ice Cold Punch, Iron Hand can handle Dragonite, Garchamp, Kommo-O, and Dragglez, and Dragonite-type Pokemon such as Landorus, Tornadus-Therion, Thunderus-Therion, and Giskor. Tired of being able to hit Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y, Iron Fist decides to throw a rock at them to knock them out of the sky. The last move he uses depends on what you want to do or what you are hitting with iron fists. Volt Switch allows Iron Hand to switch between failed battles. He managed to hit Mega Diancy and Alolan Ninetails with powerful iron blows. Iron Fist can stomp on the ground with such force that instead of a heat balloon, he can cause an earthquake that defeats Golding. Aggressive Vest makes Iron Arm more comfortable with special attacks.

248 SpD gives EV Iron Hands a great size. The 44-speed electric car keeps the iron-handed Bliss clock. 92 attack EVs allow Ice Punch to OHKO Garchomp's Iron Hands when the electric field activates due to Quark Drive. The combination of 72 HP and 52 Defense gives Dragonite Iron Hands +2 Earthquake Resistance.
Apr 5, 2023 by -RisingManectric-