Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 315)

Do we need Levels or Held Items?
May 27, 2020 by Jasone Anderson
Dude/dudet i’n glad you think i’m “ awrsome” that’s really nice not mant oeople think that unless they are on here i think ur oretty JC awesome and i know ur poibt yes i am ductator of wirdland lol
May 27, 2020 by Dyla N
U wish i were that awesome as JC lol not that he was very nice
May 27, 2020 by Dyla N
I'm happy to be on board. :)
May 27, 2020 by Gau
I can see the Pika and Gladion encounter in your fanfic already... Gladion introduces himself, and Lexi introduces herself, most likely like a regular person would. But Pika, whose jaw dropped upon seeing him, smiles like a complete moron and points to herself and then him while babbling incoherently before falling over in a faint.
May 27, 2020 by Gau
OK, be ready for a long read, for THIS, my friend, is my character:

Name: Pika
Gender: Female
Appearance: Same way she looks in every fanfic: slender, bright blue eyes, short brown hair, light skinned, wears a tuxedo and black pants.
Personality: Cheerful and positive, but quite quick-tempered. Immature and crazy, as always. She's affectionate towards her friends and agressive towards her enemies. She's also klutzy and not all that smart. To her, friends are very important, and so she'll do anything she can to not lose their friendship. She's also very energetic.
How I would like to meet Lexi: My idea is this: Lexi's just doin' whatever she's doin', when suddenly a Sneasel runs by. Then Pika comes running, chasing after said Sneasel, but trips and falls to the ground like the massive klutz that she is. She's upset because the Sneasel escaped, but then decides to strike up a conversation with Lexi. They introduce themselves, and Lexi asks why she was chasing that Sneasel. Pika replies that she really wants to catch it, but it ran away before she could even throw a Poke Ball to send out her Pokemon. They then decide to battle. You can chose who wins if you decide to use this idea. The battle only applies if Lexi has Pokemon yet. If you decide to make their encounter before Lexi has Pokemon, you can just cut out the battle bit. Then they're friends and they travel and stuff and yay. Also, the Sneasel is the one in the below "Pokemon caught during the adventure" section, but it won't have a name until it's caught.

Eevee, male, named Drifty. (he'll evolve into a Sylveon later)
Moves: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Double Kick, Bite (Double Kick and Bite will be replaced with Magical Leaf and Mystical Fire at some point after he evolves into Sylveon)
Ability: Anticipation (will turn to Pixilate when he evolves)

Fennekin, female, named Starrie. (she'll evolve into a Braixen later, but not a Delphox)
Moves: Flamethrower, Psybeam, Foul Play, Grass Knot (Grass Knot will be replaced with Shock Wave at some point after she evolves into Braixen)
Ability: Blaze

Skitty, female, named Neki.
Moves: Covet, Play Rough, Feint Attack, Wake-Up Slap
Ability: Cute Charm

Pokemon caught during the adventure (I dunno what I can decide on here, but I got some ideas below all the Pokemon's stats):

Sneasel, male, named Gladion. (he won't evolve into a Weavile, he'll stay a Sneasel)
Moves: Throat Chop, Ice Punch, Metal Claw, Psycho Cut
Ability: Inner Focus

Espurr, male, named Midnight. (he'll evolve into a Meowstic, male form, of course, later)
Moves: Psybeam, Disarming Voice, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball (Psybeam will be replaced with Psychic at some point after he evolves into Meowstic)
Ability: Infiltrator

Electrike, male, Shiny, named Confluxx. (he'll evolve into Manectric later)
Moves: Spark, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Bite (Bite will be replaced with Crunch at some point after he evolves into Manectric)
Ability: Lightning Rod

Midnight and Confluxx will be caught after Gladion the Sneasel. Gladion the Sneasel would be caught after the gang meets Gladion, because if he was caught before meeting Gladion, it wouldn't make much sense. Like, how would you name a Pokemon after someone you've never heard of? If it's possible, I'd like him to be caught not very long after they meet Gladion, as Pika's first on-screen (or on-whatever) capture. I dunno when Midnight and Confluxx will be caught, but I shall learn someday.

Random bit of info for you, in case you need it or something: Pika's 11 years old.
Just tell me if anything's unacceptable, and I'll edit it. I'm really excited about all this, if you couldn't tell. This message shall sum up my excitement:
Glazio Kawaii's Anticipation made it shudder!
(Nothing's so logical or serious that I can't shove some nonsense in.)
May 26, 2020 by Gau
Char Y the Sceptillion guy!
Char Char Char Char!
May 26, 2020 by Driftyy:]
In regards to your fanfic I am very happy to help out and you can run any questions you have by me I’m not gonna say I’m an expert because I’m not I just like helping other people and I like other people right I like writing myself too so I mean hey practice makes perfect right I wanna fly want to be an author someday wow… So anyway I’m surprised you think it means so much because I’m sure a lot of people want to help out with your story because it’s probably gonna be super amazing  and yes I dictated all of this
May 26, 2020 by Dyla N
Frank. idk lol
May 26, 2020 by iloveflareon
long brown hair, beige shorts and a green tshirt
eevee -> flareon
fire fang
fire blast
double edge
no nickname

rowlet (evolves fully) (i dont have a moveset, you can make one)
named Scarecrow

thats it

oh my character is um... his personality is mine. thats probably enough lol
May 26, 2020 by iloveflareon