Blind In The Mind
A song about Y
(currently incomplete)
My old friend became my rival
When we both liked the same guy
Adorable and from a video game
He just seemed to charm us both
But randomly and all of a sudden
My friend stopped liking him
So I asked her "Why did you stop?"
And she said "Because."
And I soon realized that she was
Blind in the mind
Is he not cute anymore?
Blind in the mind
What did he do to you?
Blind in the mind
Something must be wrong with you
Blind in the mind
"Because" is no answer
She couldn't see that I wanted a rival
And that made it really boring
I really wanted competion
Because that spices everything up
I kept wondering: is it my fault?
Did I say something that made her stop?
May 27, 2020
Character requirements
Note: Two characters cannot have the same "best friend". The "How the character and their "buddy" interact" part simply means how they behave around each other. The "Appearance" part does not include clothing, as that is filled out below. You can have up to six Pokemon, and the banlist is: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Landorus, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Type: Null, Silvally, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Magearna, Marshadow, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zarude, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, and Blacephalon. Please include movesets and abilities when selecting your Pokemon.
Real name (their actual name):
Name in the Pokemon world (the stage name they go by in the Pokemon world, which is what the official Pokemon characters and the kids, when they're in the Pokemon world, always call them):
Outfit in the real world:
Outfit in the Pokemon world:
"Buddy" (an official Pokemon character who can visit their world):
How the character and their "buddy" interact:
May 27, 2020
The story of my Gladion fandom (and how I got a crush on him)
When I first saw Gladion in Moon, I didn't think much of him. He was a kid with a Type: Null and a weird hairdo who worked for Team Skull. And I didn't know how to pronounce his name, so I called him what's-his-face. No, seriously, I did. But anyway, then he gave me a Type: Null. I was like "thanks, buddy" and decided to evolve it. And after raising its friendship up high enough and leveling it up, it evolved into Silvally, and I begun to love the Pokemon. It was official, Silvally was my new favorite Pokemon. Then I saw Silvally's Pokedex entry:
"Although its name was Type: Null at first, the boy who evolved it into this form gave it the name by which it is now known."
Now, I know that, technically, some developer or something named it Silvally. But in-game, it was thanks to Gladion. I really like Silvally's name, by the way, so, all of a sudden, I was a Gladion fan. Odd, yes, but I was overjoyed. And around my second playthrough of Moon, I developed a crush on him. I don't know exactly why I got a crush on him, but I thought that he was cute and noble, and my opinion stands. He's absolutely adorable, I think. So now look at me. When I begun, I called him what's-his-face, and now, I'm completely obsessed and crushing on him. Heck, I recently changed my phone's wallpaper to a picture of him. Now you see why I like him so much, and why I demanded that I get Gladion in your fanfic. I don't wanna see my cute little crush flirting with some nerdette (no offense to you or Lexi, I call lots of people nerds or nerdettes) or something. Pika's a lot like me, you know. Same eyes, same skin, same build, same all-over-the-place attitude. But she's not me, and I don't want her to be. I want her to be either Gladion's crush or crushing on Gladion, because she's adorable, just like him, and she's a perfect vessel for my craziness. The Pika x Gladion ship shall live. Live... live... live forever.
May 27, 2020
This is going to sound verbatim but, the ologies are a series of fantasy books that are formatted as encyclopedias of certain Fringe Sciences , Technically they were 13 in the series but I’ve left out two of them because I can’t find the authors . For example dragonology is the research journal of Ernest Drake ( Ernest drake along with the other names are used for my story or a pet names for the same author ) there really isn’t a specific plot to any of them they’re just formatted as a research journal or Explorers guide . How they relate to my story is that the characters everybody is making I’m going to be descended from sad authors you go to this private school FETA. They were going to be up to three new students that either I will create or someone on here will create they are going to be older like high school age instead of starting in fifth grade which will be the same as being a first year my character is going to be one of the currently enrolled students who works with one of these new students . But other than that I’m basically just winging this whole thing is pretty much what I do .
Did any of this help or did I just confuse you more if I confused you more I apologize .
May 27, 2020
Dyla N
Name: Destiny Fye
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long dark hair and green eyes. She is often seen wearing a red sweater and blue jeans, but not always. She ALWAYS, though, has a shoulder bag with a flame pattern on it, containing her Pokéballs.
Personality: Shy and timid, but when she gets mad, she gets REALLY mad. She is often hesitant to try new things. When you do get to know her, Destiny is kind, loyal, and will stop at nothing to help you. She doesn't like being touched.
How you want to meet Lexi: She just (literally) bumps into her on the road. Destiny isn't paying attention, and bumps into her, on a road perpendicular to the one Lexi is on. She apologizes about 40 times, and tries to walk away, but Lexi stops her, and they start travelling together.
Pokémon: Destiny specializes in the Fire type.
Ninetales (originally a Vulpix) -F- Drought- Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt. (original: Quick Attack, Fire Spin, Spite, Ember) Item: Quick claw. Sassy but fun to be around. The fire stone is given to her fairly early, but she doesn't use it for a while.
Centiscorch (originally a Sizzlipede) -M- Flash Fire- Burn Up, Flame Wheel, Lunge, Smokescreen. (original: Ember, Bug Bite, Wrap, Smokescreen) Item: Wide Lens Just doesn't really care. Often, people dont know about flash fire, and centiscorch uses burn up, and people, thinking fire type moves will now be super effective, use moves, and then BOOM! His fire moves are even better.
Dwebble -M- Sturdy- Fury Cutter, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Shell Smash- Item: Leftovers Even though it doesnt fit her type specialty, she found it hurt, and she took it in. It doesn't evolve.
Heatmor -F- Gluttony- Flare Blitz, Fury Swipes, Fire Lash, Thunder Punch- Item: Various berries It is playful and cheerful
May 27, 2020
Items given to my team:
Flygon = Wide Lens
Drapion = Razor Claw
Eelektross = Assault Vest
Aegislash = Muscle Band
Incineroar = Expert Belt
Frosmoth = Wise Glasses
May 27, 2020
Jasone Anderson
my confusion level is 11 what does that even mean
May 27, 2020
Llike a 4 that’s more of a tongue twister than confusing
May 27, 2020
Dyla N
Name: Jay
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dons chrome-colored armor with green bodylights. The lights on face glow when speaking. Rarely seen without the armor/facemask. Voice sounds metallic.
Personality: A bit stubborn, but is friendly and cooperative. Likes to do things himself, but lets people assist him when needed.
How I'd meet Lexi: I come from a portal from another multiverse.
Flygon - F - Levitate - Iron Tail*, Fly, Dragon Claw*, Dig (joins team as Vibrava)
Drapion - M - Sniper - Night Slash, Cross Poison, Brick Break, X-Scissor (Base is Skorupi)
Eelektross - F - Levitate - Aqua Tail, Drain Punch, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt (Base is Tynamo; starts with Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Tackle, Spark)
Aegislash - M - Stance Change - Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Iron Head, Sacred Sword (Base is Honedge)
Incineroar - M - Intimidate - Blaze Kick*, Leech Life, Drain Punch*, Darkest Lariat* (joins team as Torracat)
Frosmoth - F - Ice Scales - Hurricane, Giga Drain, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam (joins team as Frosmoth)
Vibrava -> Flygon (Iron Tail replaces Steel Wing and Dragon Claw replaces Dragon Tail)
Torracat -> Incineroar (Blaze Kick replaces Fire Fang, Drain Punch replaces Double Kick, and Darkest Lariat replaces Crunch)
Tynamo -> Eelektrik (all moves except Tackle replaced with Aqua Tail, Flash Cannon, and Thunderbolt)
Eelektrik -> Eelektross (Drain Punch replaces Tackle)
May 27, 2020
Jasone Anderson