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Wall for y-chai (page 249)

You can pretend it's ice cream if you want.

But it's still a heart lol
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Hahahahahahhaha X has Ribombee butt on his wall HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA

How unfortunate for me lol
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Thanks! They're weird nonsense like what I just said to myself: "Also, I blasted Ribombee's butt on X's wall." XDXDXD
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau
One of my favorites is '"I got Choice Banded lockeded and so I must scream." -I had a point'. XDXDXD
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau
(joins in on your laughter and begins to die) Which one do you like the most? XD
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau
Ok. You sure?
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Me at the Battle Tree:

"Hold me tight, Gladion!" -that would be great

"No no no no no no you suck." -it was true

"You just got Snarled in the mushroom head face!" -no, I don't know what a 'mushroom head face' is either

"Ah, refreshing death." -mmm, death juice

"Ohh-ohh, when I kicked your brain skull in!" -best song ever

"Where'd that Toxic come from? Your bee butt?" -I WAS TOXICED BY A VESPIQUEN, OK?!

"Ohh-ohh, when I kicked your bee butt in!" -(sighs)

"Hello, person! Do you have a bee butt for me to kick in?" -in my defense, Rising Star Ryder did not have a bee butt for me to kick in

"Oh, so I gotta kick in a Steelix butt." -Steelix doesn't even have one

"I'll Sparkling Aria your Steelix butt to kingdom come!" -WHAT THE FRICK IS WROMG WITH ME TODAY?!

"Hello, emperor noob." -finally, a break from bee butts

"I am going to epically murder you." -and I took half his HP with Thunder Punch before falling asleep due to Yawn

"Don't mind me, just epically murdering Steelix butts." -two things, 1: I wasn't even facing Steelix anymore, and 2: JYICKGFIFKYICOGFIFUSGKGKGOGGIG

"I am Choice Banded lockeded and so I must scream." -I had a point

"So apparently, JYICKGFIFKYICOGFIFUSGKGKGOGGIG is a misspelling of Kickoff Juicing?" -LOGIC

"Infinite keyboard frikeing." -my thoughts on the above quote

"You are a loser and it shows in your every breath!" -wow, I'm a master of the singing arts

"Look, I'm murdering Wally!" -well, Gallade looks like Wally, so yes, I was murdering Wally

"How to murder a giant golem thingy: yell at it." -#SnarlKillsGolurk

"Help, I just got Leech Lifed in my last face of thee!" -my poor last face of thee

"And SnarlKillsGolurk is a misspelling of Snarl Kills Hour. Thanks for lettin' me know." -I wanna join Snarl Kills Hour, when does it start?

"My foot touched a balloon and so I must kill Ribombee!" -perfect reasoning
Jul 8, 2020 by Gau
Mind if I put one of these on your section of my friends list? <3

I understand if you don't want that.
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
I checked it again, as well as the other. Still nothing.
Jul 7, 2020 by Amethyst
There's nothing there. Just a blank doc.
Jul 7, 2020 by Amethyst