Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 248)

Oh yeah, thanks :)
Jul 8, 2020 by Nswift
3k points in 3 months. i swear the kids here get faster with each influx of new users
Jul 8, 2020 by Your Excellency
Jul 8, 2020 by fwoofyy
I'm sorry for leaving! My tablet decided it didn't want to connect to the internet, so I just gave up, sorry.
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Oh no!! Don't have a switch yet??
Jul 8, 2020 by user74534
Quick question, you may know, idk.

You know how you screenshotted those filter pictures, sent them to a Google doc, and linked the Google doc, all on an iPad? Do you know if the same thing would work on a kindle fire? Idk if the two are that similar.

Apologies for asking if you don't know, just trying to figure it out.
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Ugh, sorry I didn't respond. Parents happened. Ice cream is good. Now I want some as well.
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
So much ice
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Thank you for the hearts. You too <3
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst
Well, now there's no more confusion over that, lol. I've switched from <3 to ♥
Jul 8, 2020 by Amethyst