Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 242)

This is heart spamming:

If you want me to stop posting hearts, I can.
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
So many hearts. It's great lol. Here's another: ❤️
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
Good luck winning. I'm sure you can win against "random FP people" ❤️
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
How's your Shield playthrough going? Are you still trying to speedrun it? Hope it's going well so far. ❤️
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
Partway through their adventure, the gang finds a group of Pyukumuku on a beach, most likely at the Hano Grand Resort. Characters like River and Jay (if they're introduced at the time) will not be very pleased, as their creators aren't big fans of Pyukumuku. However, Pika is very pleased with it and starts playing with them all. Eventually, her friends get a little worried that she's going crazy or such because she is basically living with Pyukumuku. It's no wonder they're worried. They drag her away from the Pyukumuku group and talk to her about it. But she gets upset about the idea of leaving because, as she says, "I don't want to leave Alan behind". They immediately wonder who the heck Alan is, maybe even wondering if Alan is Pika's boyfriend, which could lead to some humor. She takes them to go meet Alan, and it is revealed who he is: a Shiny Pyukumuku. I can see "Pika's boyfriend is a Pokemon?" already. Anyways, she befriended him, and you know how she gets attached to her friends, human or Pokemon. Soon, they have to leave and continue their adventure. Pika's running late, and they start to wonder if Pika's going to stay with the Pyukumuku. Then Pika appears... holding Alan. They ask what she's doing, and she says that she's bringing him along for the adventure. They assume she means capture him, but she says that she's not. She's just going to bring him along. They are very confused and quite stunned. They ask "shouldn't he stay in his home, then?", but then Pika laughs and says that he doesn't seem to mind at all, which is true. He's not struggling, attacking, or resisting in any way. She says that he'll be like a new travelling companion for them. They're not very thrilled, but they know they can't stop Pika from carrying around the special little Pyukumuku. Alan won't do much except provide some humor and may battle a few times. He'll basically use his guts or whatever the heck a Pyukumuku uses to attack to... well, attack someone for comedic effect, which fits well if Pika is angry. His face reveals no emotions, just looking goofily blank, as he's a Pyukumuku, which is amusing when he'll punch you in the face with his guts while staring blankly. Basically, a comic relief Pokemon. How fitting for him to be under comic relief hero Pika's care. Speaking of Pika, she will indeed take care of him, and if he's in a battle, give him battle commands, as everyone else's commands will practically go straight through him. Translation:  he doesn't seem to notice he's being commanded by anyone other than Pika. What fun he'll be. He'll never be captured, by the way, but he ascts as if Pika is his Trainer. Although I dunno how you'd be able to tell, as he can't talk and has no facial expressions aside from a blank stare.
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner, knock me down, I'll just get up again! You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner! Pokemon, Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all!
Jul 9, 2020 by Gau
I'll do my best. Thanks for the wishing of luck! I appreciate it. ❤️
Jul 9, 2020 by Amethyst
Yeah, I guessed it was supposed to be share lol. Stalker obviously never met you if he thinks that's the fastest points gained.

Great work with the points, good luck getting to 4000 ❤️
Jul 9, 2020 by Amethyst
(huggles your Grav and big brother's Grav)

The Glazio News
I decided to take on the Pokemon League with a team of Shinies: Casey the Flareon, Nikki the Sylveon, Lillie the Primarina, Violet the Alolan Ninetales, Brandon the Umbreon, and Poppy the Lurantis. It was hard as heck, but I had Revives and Sitrus Berries, as well as useful TMs. I eventually beat the E4 and was challenged by Hau. And I won. Now I feel very smug because my Shinies were levels, like, 30 to 50, going up against level 60s. Now they feel even more special, as they have a Ribbon to prove it. And that's it. See ya!
Jul 9, 2020 by Gau
The floof is very floofy. I'm sure it would try to eat you lol.

I'm not sure what happened with the texting bit. Someone said something about text words, and I think that's what I said?
Jul 9, 2020 by Amethyst