Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 241)

Jul 10, 2020 by melcakes
Gladion: "Frick you, Hau."
Gladion: "(prepares to kill Hau like cereal)"
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
I like it so far, though. After all, it's inspired by my breeding service.
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
Ah. My new fanfic is at a dead halt for the moment, gotta trade with Whimsicott so Kylani will trade with Pika for Naomi the Espurr.
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
I'm bored. And bored of it. XD

And how goes the feeenfeeec?
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
Good luck with the rest of the tournament! I hope you can be a finalist ❤️
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
You're welcome! Wish I would have known where the TM for Scald was before so we could trade today, though. First job: a few minutes. Second job: a few days. Intense augh.
Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
Thank you for the hearts! You too, again ❤️
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst
Job status:

Job 1: Kantonian Vulpix

5:26: Put Pokemon in the Day Care and recieved first Egg.
5:29: Hatches first Egg, which meets the base requirements.
5:30: Teaches it Flamethrower.
5:33: Teaches it Extrasensory.
9:33: Teaches it Energy Ball.
9:35: Teaches it Will-O-Wisp.
9:37: Renames the baby Solaria.

Job 2: Mareanie

(Day 1)
9:46: Put Toxapex in Day Care with Wailord and realized they couldn't breed.
9:48: Replaces Wailord with Pyukumuku, which can breed with Toxapex.
9:52: Recieved first and second Eggs.
9:54: Hatches first Egg, which doesn't have Hidden Ability.
9:55: Hatches second Egg, which has Hidden Ability but is female.
9:56: Recieved third Egg.
9:57: Recieved fourth Egg.
9:58: Hatches third Egg, which meets the base requirements.
10:00: Teaches it Toxic.
(Day 2)
6:23: Teaches it Scald.
6:25: Renames the baby Poseidon.

Jul 10, 2020 by Gau
I am an amazing heart spammer lol
Also <3 to you too
Jul 10, 2020 by Amethyst