Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 208)

*It has come to my attention today that I haven’t answered this question... so I’m going to.*

*I’ll post here the team I’m using for my second playthrough of Pokémon Shield (I made some changes though). I didn’t obtain any Pokémon from the DLC, so all of these Pokémon can be obtained from normal gameplay. I won’t be including Natures/EVs since this is in game. Abilities are obviously your choice, but I’ll be putting the preferred abilities for each Pokémon, just in case you’d like to know which ability might benefit the Pokémon more. I’ll also avoid HAs, since hunting them down in a raid den is not convenient in game.*

*Now, let’s get started.*


*Cinderace @ Assault Vest (Lake Of Outrage)
Ability: Blaze  
 - Pyro Ball  
 - Iron Head / Gunk Shot
 - Low Sweep  
 - Zen Headbutt / U-Turn*

*This set is pretty simple. I use an Assault Vest for the Special Defense boost, and before you get the water bike, you can use the Charcoal you obtain when you first go to Motostoke. Blaze is its regular ability, so this will just be your starter at the beginning of the game. Pyro Ball is STAB, and it is learned when Raboot evolves into Cinderace. Iron Head can take out most of the Fairy gym with ease, and so can Gunk Shot. Low Sweep is (if you’re in Sword) hitting Gordie’s Pokemon super effectively, most Piers’s Pokemon super effectively, as well as other Pokémon like Raihan’s Duraludon. It’s also good for supporting your teammates if they have trouble out speeding the opponent, since Low Sweep will always lower the speed of your opponent. Zen Headbutt is for Bea (if you’re playing Sword). If not, I would use U-Turn for chip damage/pivoting.*


*Corviknight @ Rocky Helmet (Stow-On-Side)
Ability: Pressure  
 - Bulk Up  
 - Drill Peck  
 - Iron Head  
 - U-turn*

*I had a Rocky Helmet in my bag so I slapped it on my Corviknight... and it worked really well. With
Jul 19, 2020 by y-chai
I’m so bored lol
Jul 19, 2020 by AureliusReyes
Ahhhhh the website wasn’t working all day :’(
Jul 19, 2020 by AureliusReyes
I know you don't like garchomp but maybe sand veil+bright powder will change your mind. I tried it aainst a darmanitan that was locked into icicle crash and it just kept missing. I managed to get 2 swords dances up and then 6-1'd his team
Jul 19, 2020 by themodernage
Oh mk i’ll read them closer i’ll just have Justfied as ths ablity
Jul 19, 2020 by Dyla N
Os he’s an attacker XD
Jul 19, 2020 by Dyla N
Actually Ryder is based ooff of  the HA Riolu/Pucario i got from Glazio  so he has Justfied.
Jul 19, 2020 by Dyla N
Actually Ryder is based ooff of  the HA Riolu/Pucario i got from Glazio  so he has Justfied.
Jul 19, 2020 by Dyla N
First off, it has a painful weakness to Ice, and since ice is such a prominent offensive typing, you’re going to encounter either HP Ice from an Electric type or Ice Beam from a Water type.

Next off is Garchomp’s design. There is nothing really special or cool about it, it’s just a shark that walks. Frankly, it looks more like something out of a cartoon as opposed to a menacing dragon beast.

It’s not OP. Deal with it. If this is OP to you, whatever.

252 SpA Choice Specs Jolteon Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 400-472 (111.7 - 131.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

That’s on the switch. And Garchomp switching into Jolteon is way predictable.

Anyway, now my explanation on my favorite pseudo legendaries.

Goodra- with an Assault Vest, it has huge special defense, allowing it to take a usually special Ice/Fairy type hit. It can also run an Expert Belt due to its great coverage. It gets moves like Surf, Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, and Ice Beam. I like that it breaks the trend of Dragons as far as its design goes, and it’s pretty interesting. Also it’s adorable.

Metagross- surprisingly, it’s an amazing special attacker, even though it’s mostly physical. This means it can catch its opponents off guard. It’s defensive stats allow it to take hits while sweeping. An Assault Vest also works great on it. It’s movepool is nice, with moves like Psychock, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Icy Wind, and Thunder Punch. It’s design is super cool, I mean, it’s a... I don’t even know what it is. It’s just awesome.

Tyranitar- it has a great offensive typing, even though it’s bad defensively. It’s main niche is Sand Stream, boosting its special defense. This allows it to take, once again, usually special moves like Water/Grass/Fairy moves. It runs a nasty good Weakness Policy + Dragon Dance set, and it destroys things with moves like Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Crunch, Earthquake, and Stone Edge. It reliably sets up Stealth Rock as well. Also, you can’t tell me that it’s design isn’t amazing.

So yup that’s my reasoning.

Because everyone asks me why I don’t like Garchomp, here you go.
Jul 19, 2020 by y-chai
I require a better explanation why garchomp is overrated and is not on par with other psuedo legendaries. It has good stats with nice distribution, nice movepool and is op
Jul 19, 2020 by Soul Stealer