Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 206)

Oh thank you <3
Jul 21, 2020 by Amethyst
I'd subscribe, sure. Your posts are just fine <3

Tho it does probably still count as spam lol
Jul 21, 2020 by Amethyst
I read. You bumped into a lot of stuff lol
Jul 21, 2020 by Amethyst
I'm back!! Also:

 "A nerd is a glasses wearing smart boring ugly weak pathetic person"

I like to think I'm not ugly or pathetic lol
Jul 21, 2020 by Amethyst
No Alakazzam but i do have Daphne the Delphox
My HAs
Abd lots if ohers in Togedarmaru’s case you can have the orgional she’s already a she and i get another releativy quick
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N
OoOkay i’n askng  so i breed ne some HAstartets once i get scans back )i want a HA Treecko tho i have no clie what its HA is i just like treecko i’ll catch grovylevwhen A. I get island scan back and B. Wait for Groyclye day)
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N
No that’s why i was giving them to glazio for the breeding service at oeast that was their intention but she hasn’t added them to her list
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N
Ps so kind like what isaid for HA breeding
1 vred a nale with a ditto to get a female
2 bred said fenale with a nallewhl has that ablity
3 hope the maoes Ablity transfers to the offspring?
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N
Yes i have a bunch actualpt cuz Nihilego gave ne shinnies mostbif not all had theirbGAs i can getbyou some we can dp what i do with Glazio which is i trade her HAs for HAs following her breedibv requirnents.
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N
Hi i see you wanna hoin GBS i guess i kinda joined i’m like a dupplier i have been breeding female min for the GBS so far i gave her a friftloon, duskull abd bext is darumaka anyway i was wondering if you wanted anything for HA mon i hope she updates soon so people can see the options have grown next i’ll be breeding Pachrisu i think so long as i get a yes heh instead of shiny hunting i’m also HA hubting and WTing(WT IS MOSTLY FOR NON-native and starters) oh! A
Nd a Q
If i want say HA Squirtle what would i do? I think i remember that if bred it with a dotto first to get a girl then vred it with soneobe who had the HA as a reg ablity yoy could get the HA? Is that a thing in USUM?
Jul 21, 2020 by Dyla N