About me:
Long time fan of Pokeymans.
I love Fire, Psychic and Dragon types with the odd Grass or Flying type thrown in. The only "generic pest-at-the-beginning-of-the-game Pokemon" that I like so far is probably Patrat. Or Sentret. More so Patrat, though.
Dark, Normal and Poison types kind of annoy me (mostly because of their moves and a lot of Poison types look ugly in my opinion) but I won't say no to a good Dark type on my team. Water types sometimes annoy me purely because they are so common. But I do like a lot of them.
My favourite Pokemon are: Mew, Torchic, Treecko, Snivy, Cyndaquil, Salamence, Gyarados, Chandelure, Archeops, Omanyte (it's amazing how something so cute evolves into something so scary looking lmao), Cresselia, Metagross, Sceptile, Blaziken, Infernape, Victini, Dialga, Beautifly, Luxray, Leafeon, Vaporeon, Dratini, Dragonair and Gardevoir.
Pokemon that get all up in my grill for some reason: Liepard, Bidoof, Bibarel, Purrugly, Rattata, Raticate, Watchog, Koffing, Geodude, Zubat, Jigglypuff, Tentacool (although when I first played Gold I caught a Tentacool for the first time and he was my bro 4 life since I was new to the games back then and thought it was RARE lmfao).
I'm trying not to use Legendaries (even though I travelled with a Victini more than halfway through Black Version). I still want to catch them, though.
I don't care much for Shinies (as in, I don't go out of my way to look for them or trade for them or breed them) but I will try to catch one if I see it, obviously.
My favourite Gym Leaders are:
Kanto: Blaine, Erika and Sabrina
Johto: Faulkner, Jasmine, Morty, Pryce and Clair.
Hoenn: Roxanne, Flannery, Winona, Wallace/Juan (they are both so flamboyant it's hilarious).
Sinnoh: Roark and Volkner. Fantina's accent and appearance entertained me though so I guess she earns a spot here.
Unova: Cilan (even though I versed Chili), Lenora (archaeologist with a library! :D), Burgh (his catchphrase makes me laugh and he's an artist which is an automatic win), Elesa (she's so nice even though she's so paper-thin. And she looks like a Vocaloid), Clay (dat accent), Drayden (dat beard).
Favourite Elite Four members:
Kanto: Lorelei and Lance
Johto: Will and Karen
Hoenn: Sidney and Drake
Sinnoh: Aaron, Bertha and Lucian
Unova: Shauntal, Kaitlin and Grimsley
Favourite Champions: Cynthia, Steven and Alder