Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Stephwheel8 (page 9)

Dec 20, 2021 by ~Silver~
"I'm not a Spooky Snake Person. Anyone who calls me that is smokin' some bad stuff..."

Stop smoking, it's not good for your lungs.
Dec 20, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Dec 20, 2021 by ~Silver~
X Nuzlocké: Day 2

-Caught Hopstick the Bunnelby on Route 2, Butternut the Scatterbug in the forest, and Justin the Bidoof on Route 3
-I mugged someone and made them give me roller skates
-Caught Scarlet the Litleo on Route 22

Mikey: Male Chespin
Borderline depressed

Hopstick: Male Bunnelby
Energized hothead

Butternut: Female Scatterbug
Motherly, but like a child

Justin: FEMALE Bidoof
Chill jokester

Scarlet: Female Litleo
Pursues beauty
Dec 19, 2021 by Stephwheel8
It does :D
Dec 19, 2021 by BM™
Here we go!
X Nuzlocké: First update
(Just a short one)

-I start out the game. The animation is pretty cool
-So I wake up in France, ready to make animals fight. For fun yknow
-Why does route 1 have night music what the hell it’s literally just 10 steps
-I roll the die for my starter, and get a 1. Chespin!
-I asked someone (whom I will not name lol) to name him, and they chose Mikey (after suggesting Nut).

[Personality of Mikey should go here, for immersion purposes, but I didn’t check lol]
Dec 19, 2021 by Stephwheel8
I will start an X Nuzlocké soon! Here are the rules/guidelines:

1: If a Pokémon faints, goodbye!
2: A dead Pokémon shall be RELEASED into poké-heaven, unless it knows a required HM that nobody else can learn, in which case its corpse gets dragged around for it until someone new gets caught that can.
3: I can only catch the first Pokémon I encounter in a given area. If it dies, too bad
4: If an encounter is in an evolution family (or is the same) that a Pokémon I have already caught is in, I cannot catch that Pokémon and can try my encounter again.
5: If I somehow stumble upon a shiny, it bypasses rules 2-4.
6: All Pokémon must be nicknamed.
7: To choose a starter, I shall roll a 6-sided die. 1 and 2 will be Chespin, 3 and 4 will be Fennekin, and 5 and 6 will be Froakie.
8: Similarly, the Kanto starters shall be decided by the die. However, it’s a 50/50 chance between the two that don’t overlap types with the previous starter.
9: The fossils chosen are also a 50/50 die roll, 1-3 being Amaura and 4-6 being Tyrunt. Aerodactl cannot be revived, as it is a second Pokémon from Ambrette Town and I had it on my last X playthrough anyway.
10: Any gifted Pokémon can be received with no drawbacks.
11: The only trades allowed are in-game ones, unless it is to evolve a Pokémon, which would have to be after getting 10 levels past its previous evolution if it has one.
12: EXP share is to be turned off unless grinding.
13: No intentional soft-resetting. My copy of X is not new and has been known to crash, and if it does so after something major happened (such as a death), all will be forgotten as if it never did.
14: The Nuzlocké ends after the battle with AZ.
Dec 19, 2021 by Stephwheel8
You've accesded database 9 times on a computer.  Dang, that's only what i can use to be on database XD
Dec 16, 2021 by This Guy
Dat grav

Also yes the Bronzer and Brenzong thing is a joke don't question it
Dec 15, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Why thank you
Dec 12, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop