Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Stephwheel8 (page 8)

Happy news yeers
Dec 31, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Heres the dream

It started in baskc blackness sith a female voice saying “you’ll never be alone.” Yhen dream me ( yes in time dream takes place in the Pokémon world) wakes up it fast forward to bed  and the next thing I know I’m not a contest home  although it looks more like a school gymnasium with a runway going down the middle of it. Dream me was apparently a coordinator in an area down there performance . Yhere was another performer was mentioned specifically and who was named kennedy  they were apparently issues with her music down because partway through her performance she just sat down on the edge of the runway and waited for it to get fixed When was fixed you continued on and that was that next thing I know it’s after that  when was fixed you continued on and that was that next thing I know it’s after that contest .  And we’re off to another one and that’s when I know is in Sonnoh because i see Dawn, Zoe, Jessabelle (Jessie) and Hamison (James) apparently dream he kind of likes or admires Jessabelle because she walked straight up to jamison I started talking to him like they were friends meowths headWhichj my talking out of amison’s jacket front and he had weird Square shaped protruding teeth which apparently didn’t phase dreamy whatsoever  dream me reached out to Pat meowth but he hissed and she backed off. After the contest is when things started to get weird In the dressing room dream me what’s playing on her regular clothes and haven’t really gotten started yet one another coordinator came into the room ( The strange part about this is that everybody else has left.)  and the new camera started wandering around one of aimlessly saying “wheres my loght- light- light.@ repeating the word white over and over again  when dreamy interest the newcomer the you come return towards us and im had no face...  do you mean trying to scream but oh that came out with a raspy sounding sort of noise  of course dream me and ran for her life as fast as she could still wearing all her fancy clothes and everything Either way she got it from that weird face less newcomer be either it was for her to scream for help but of course no one was ther either way she got it from that weird face less newcomer he either was for her to scream for help but of course no one was there . She keot running for a while because she thought she had seen ash and his friends ahead of her on the road and apparently she knew them too and thought they might be able to help her  but they seem to have all but disappeared so she kept running  finally came to her house that was sort of myself forSome reason dreamb some reason dream me and asked ow far Kanto was and the woman inside the house to work with the two days journey  sound dreamy went back to running. I’m not much for the rubber hand she ran into three preschooler boys  she was pretty or something because I asked her what was wrong  and when she told them that she was going to llanto then it was apparently two days journey  I told her that however I told her that it was in today’s journey and lied and that it wasn’t actually that far away  and that was where they were headed as well so she joined them. At some point a little ways off the road she tried sending out one of her Pokémon Butthe poke ball didn’t work she tried this once more and it still didn’t work and on her throat dry she actually threw the poke balm against a tree instead of shattering it’s the one in Spiro the Park  anyway the end of the dream was basically just  dream me and the three preschool boys making it to kanto crossing an area called the blue desert Just a huge section of King painte just a huge section of the painted pavement .
Dec 31, 2021 by Dyla N
Thanks for the suggestion, but my Granddad suggested Wix instead.
Dec 30, 2021 by This Guy
Huh? Whats that?
Hey! U like nuzlockes! Care to check out my nuzlocke site?
Dec 30, 2021 by This Guy
X Nuzlocké: Day 4

-I catch Vidjet the Machop in the glittering cave
-oH nO iTs TeAm FlArE hOw ScArY
-Oh no Team Flare killed Scarlet crap :<
-But hey, Solidago evolved!
-I roll for a fossil, and get a 2. Welcome to the team, Borealis the Amarua!
-I fish up Onix the Luvdisk, then trade it for Thumper the Steelix.

Vidjet: Male Machop
Likes a simple life

Borealis: Female Amaura
Calm and collected, like literally every ice character
Dec 30, 2021 by Stephwheel8

Its official guys me and steven r datign /j?? /hj????
Dec 26, 2021 by siegfriedsystem
shall we kiss under ze mistletoe >.<//
Dec 26, 2021 by siegfriedsystem
omg ilyt and ty ^.^

I don't celebrate christmas but happy holidays for you!
Dec 26, 2021 by siegfriedsystem
Happy Christmas everyone!
Dec 25, 2021 by Stephwheel8

:sob: I-I love you too >p<
Dec 25, 2021 by siegfriedsystem