Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User Starizard

Member for: 10 years (since Jul 18, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Charizard...does that count?
Country: Hoenn. Sadly, a Charizard like me is not welcome 'cause of that Blaziken that thinks he is better then me. ;(. He's wrong!
Favorite Pokémon: Charizard
Friend Codes: My Friend Code:

I play online, and I will also do trades.
Pokes that i'm currently looking for: Shaymin!

Friends (If you don't regard me as a friend, oh well. Nothin a Lone Charizard like me is not used to.)

Silverdragon-Cause hes pro
DA830- FTW!!!!
josh123z- Gave me my first Best Answer!
About me: Hey people! Starizard here. I do play Pokemon Omega Ruby, Y, Black and Black 2. I play online, and on Pokemon name is Flare. I also play Showdown. My Faves:

Fave Poke: Well duh...Charizard and Pikachu (Don't ask.)

Fave Game: Omega Ruby cause its just cool.

Fave 3DS Game besides Pokemon: SSB 4. Its so awesome. Sadly, I'm no good with Charizard ;(.

I  originally came from a Charmander egg, but that dumb Koga used one of his dang "Evolve Needles" on me and then I was a level one Charizard. I had a peculiar tail that was shaped as a star, and Giovanni decided that I was Starizard.  What a loozer. Anyways, Team Rocket kept on Raising me and forcing me to fight for years and years. By that time I was like: "Screw you guys" and that's probably why Team Rocket failed. After that, I had nowhere to go until I found a yellow Pokeball that contained.... Fly? I had no idea what it did, so I taught it to myself and flew over to Hoenn. There I met Blaziken, who was getting all glory because... i dunno. I finally met up with a Swampert, who showed me PokemonDB. Yay! I'm here now!

Oh yeah, since I also play Smash4, feel free to FC trade then Battle!

Poem: 149730/ a-pocketful-of-dreams-10-line-poem.html

Activity by Starizard

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Starizard

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I like your story
Jun 25, 2015 by ray
Blaziken>charizard, blaziken is ubers for a reason.
Feb 27, 2015 by Tad
Lol these points went down
Feb 4, 2015 by FeelsMaster
Feb 3, 2015 by Gosu
Feb 2, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
Feb 2, 2015 by Starizard
Congratz on 1K!
Feb 2, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
Wow 700 points!
Jan 31, 2015 by Starizard
Jan 30, 2015 by Best-Of-Luck
Jan 30, 2015 by Starizard