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Wall for PsychicX1 (page 39)

I got my purple 3DS! I'll post my FC soon after I get through all the settings crap. Apparently I have a Dragon Safari: Shelgon/ Gabite/ ???
Jan 5, 2014 by Spark Pichu
:0 Ok!
Jan 4, 2014 by PsychicX1
Nintendo kept it and gave me a $169.99 Target Gift Card. No Target had the original 3DS model! There is just one more Target that we haven't checked though.
Jan 3, 2014 by Spark Pichu
Where's your old 3ds?
Jan 3, 2014 by PsychicX1
I wonder if I will still have my friends in Pokemon Y, but not on my 3DS friend list xD That would be cool so I can register them as friends again :>
Jan 3, 2014 by Spark Pichu
Awesome! And I have the Midnight Purple one :o Trying to copy me??
Jan 3, 2014 by PsychicX1
MiKe7! Nintendo sent some kind of gift card thing to us, and with that card all I have to do is go to a store to buy a new 3DS! Hopefully I'll be able to get it tomorrow! I wish I'll be able to get a Midnight Purple 3DS :3
Jan 3, 2014 by Spark Pichu
Tiramisu. Right. I knew that. :P
Dec 31, 2013 by Poke'slash
There is a high chance of it arriving sometime this week! :D
Dec 31, 2013 by Spark Pichu
Hopefully it does come soon!
Dec 31, 2013 by PsychicX1