Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 38)

Lmao xD and thanks :) I'm not as good a battler as you though. But yeah feel free to ask me for a battle whenever and I'll help you test out your team. This will also give me the chance to test out new combinations I'm thinking about putting together :P
Mar 5, 2014 by Sir Dan
Your wall is nearly all me lmao xD
Mar 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
No problem :) Yeah we didn't really have a Rotom-W counter apart from Mega Charizard Y's SB so that caused a few problems. I'll give you a battle some other time if you want? Since I'm out the tournament if you need someone to test your new team against (if you decide to make a new team for round 2) I'd be more than happy to help you and Hex out whenever I'm free :) Also thanks for the update about the Server!
Mar 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
Your definitely one of the best predictors I've had the pleasure of playing against :P
Mar 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
Thanks good luck to you too (not that you'll need it :P)
Mar 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
Please, call me "Dan" lol :P
Okay I'll be on shortly for the remainder of the day :)
Mar 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
Mike me and TB have decided which one of you's we would like to face. T&B has decided he would like to face Hex and I've decided I'd like to face you :P So whenever I'm available and you've got your team sorted we'll battle. Good luck :)
Mar 3, 2014 by Sir Dan
gg then
Feb 26, 2014 by melcakes
Oh :l
Feb 25, 2014 by melcakes
Its on the first page of the FC Page. Why?
Feb 25, 2014 by melcakes