Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 24)

One question, why was my post Hidden?  I need to know so i can either change it or find the answer somewhere else.
Dec 2, 2014 by Almighty Aggron
Dying over a broken phone and piles of School stuff :O
Dec 1, 2014 by Silverdragon :D
Hey Mike, did you make a list of all your Poke's?
Nov 30, 2014 by Sir Dan
IMO gren is undoubtedly best mon in OU, but it needs more raw power to be banned. I remember some of use even saying it  should have been UU when XY first came out lol.
Nov 30, 2014 by Generekt
It has happened :(
Nov 29, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
It has been done, mence is banned. I've been thinking now...I have two options when I play pokemon, wait for offense to be a thing again, or learn how to play stall :( I don't wanna do either tho
Nov 29, 2014 by Generekt
I will not deny you of that one >_> But perhaps, weirdness can be an attractive feature for some. Oh how dare you—my heart is all sunshine, butterflies and lollipops. You're still hanging out on Liars Line, for that was a huge lie. I am not delusional, You just cant accept the fact that I could kick your rump if I so ever pleased to >:o
Nov 28, 2014 by blank
You should meet my skarmory :3
Nov 27, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Could you do 6 or 7? I know that's a lot, but then I'll have enough for sure.  If you can't do that many it's fine just do as many as you can.

Thanks again Mike
Nov 27, 2014 by PZ15
S' up ? :D
Nov 26, 2014 by Silverdragon :D