Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 23)

Sorry for da extra posts yin lag on my phone and I tapped to much :3
Dec 12, 2014 by Tad
Dec 9, 2014 by trachy
Could you give me the link
Dec 7, 2014 by UmbreonLover456
My post on if deoxys can come back if you accidentally defeat it.
Dec 7, 2014 by UmbreonLover456
Dec 6, 2014 by kuroyoru
why did you hide my post? it wasn't breaking any rules from what i can see.
Dec 6, 2014 by Almighty Aggron
BL0 is a thing, o.o, if it is im so happy cuz I've been annoying smogon about it :P
Also ur 85 congrats :D, don't worry, during Christmas I'll build up some skill to get to ur level :D
Dec 5, 2014 by Generekt
Hey Mike, you DON'T have to get me them Pokémon I asked for the other day, as I've already got them now :) I know you give me 2 weeks to get sorted, but I may need more time, as there's so much things I have to do. So if you give me another week on top of the two weeks you had already given me, so I have two weeks left to get sorted, as one of those two weeks has now passed (hopefully that made sense to you and I wasn't talking in riddles... hopefully), I should be ready by then.

But yeah I've transferred all my items such as my Choice Scarf's from my other cartridge. I still need to get better Pokémon and finish the game, as I put it on postpone, while I transferred my items and got certain Pokémon.

TL;DR: I need an extra week on top of the two you give me to get sorted completely, which will probably take us up to around Christmas.
Dec 4, 2014 by Sir Dan
Sure :3
Dec 4, 2014 by Sir_Mudkip
Why was my post hidden? Could you show me the actual source, because I have no idea why you hid my post.
Dec 3, 2014 by UmbreonLover456