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Wall for PsyKlone (page 18)

Who's your Smash Bros main? Mine is Charizard.
Jun 3, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Add me as a friend nerd
Jun 3, 2018 by Nuivo
dab on the haters
13 minutes ago by Jar Jar
Jun 3, 2018 by Nuivo
dab on the haters
Jun 3, 2018 by JarJar
Well, those 3 are really good choices. Here are my review/summaries. No major spoilers, promise.

There's a reason the Switch was successful despite only having one game at launch, and this is that game. This is an open world RPG that has you wake up in Hyrule with no memory. You have tasks to do, like sidequests, getting the help of major towns, and getting your memories back, or you can just play around with the physics and the monsters. This is the least linear non-sandbox game I've ever played, and there isn't much content regarding the Main Story. Its possible to ignore everything else (even main story quests) and just go straight to fighting the boss in just a few hours but you could be hilariously underpowered. Most of the content is just exploring and looking for dungeons known as shrines; which are basically mini puzzles that give items you can trade for health and stamina, looking for creatures that are called Koroks that give items that you can trade for bigger inventory, and looking for locations that help trigger your memory. It may not sound like much fun but it is actually addicting. By doing side quests and exploring you will find more towns, characters, and shopkeepers. The scenery is also amazing. Biggest problem is that main story quests are lacking in some areas.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Fun game, best played with friends. You can race with your friends with or without bots (you can't choose how many though), you can race by yourself to complete tracks in record time, or you could do battle mode, where you compete in an arena style map with an objective depending on game mode. I don't play it that much, because racing games really aren't my thing and there isn't any goals in the long term since every map and almost every character is already unlocked. If you're bored on a regular basis and have friends to play it with, then you should get this game.

Mario Oddysey - Honestly I don't have this game. But I heard it really good, has lots of gameplay and content, and high quality Game design Nintendo is known for.

As for other games:

Xenoblade Chonicles 2
This is 2nd favorite game on the Switch. If your willing to look past the... choices... in character designs for a lot of the female characters in the game, the cliche anime tropes and gags, main characters english VA not being able to scream, grinding (one example is for lootbox style items you don't have to pay for that summons rare characters), and endure the extremely slow pace of the combat system at the start of the game, then its pretty fun and packed with content. Also if you do decide to get this game, beware of spoilers. The game can also be an emotional rollercoaster.

Stardew Valley
Addicting af farm game. Good graphics, good sound design, and filled with content. The cast of NPCs can be likable to most, but for some others they're very one-dimensional. I don't have it on the the Switch but I don on my laptop.

Pokemon Quest
This one is free and available on the Eshop, and will be available for mobile devices this June. Its best played in short bursts.

I don't have it but I heard Mario vs Rabbids is good.
Jun 3, 2018 by An Asocial Moth
Maybe report the Down-vote abuser to Fizz!
Jun 2, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥

I GIVE TWO PERFECTLY GOOD ANSWERS AND THEY WERE DOWNVOTED! It was hidden by Fizz so I just lost 20 points. Someone is clearly down-coting way too much.
Jun 1, 2018 by PsyKlone
Yeah, I fixed a spelling error lol :P
Jun 1, 2018 by Staka~
Because he is a loose cannon. Nothing he says means anything (generally, unless he is answering, etc.) and should be taken lightly.

He is not cold hearted, if you could find his soul, but odds are you will never meet him, never know why, how, or what. There is something wrong in his life, but stuff like that happens to all of us. We can all be annoying sometimes, maybe he isn't good with this. Whether he actually cares or not cannot be interpreted by us because, either way, he would say he doesn't care; because he actually doesn't, or because he does and cannot admit it. You will meet worse people than him, just bear them. :|
Jun 1, 2018 by Staka~
May 31, 2018 by fwoofyy