Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for PsyKlone (page 17)

Every time I see someone get upset over your comments it mystifies me. Like, I've seen sumwun and HT be more rude. Hell, even I've been rude (and that's me holding back) and nobody says boo. It does seem that the people who mistake your comments as rude are people who seem really immature, like that Arcilion Gumich guy. Other than that I think people just do it as some sort of running joke or something :p
Jun 12, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
Jun 11, 2018 by Syl ™
WhY dO aLl ThEsE pEoPlE tHiNk My FrIeNdLy CoMmEnTs ArE rUdE???
Jun 11, 2018 by PsyKlone
Please help I’m getting triggered at these random noobs even though it isn’t their fault they’re a noob and I can’t talk to SYL because she’s gone for 3 weeks... maybe I should take a break too idek probably not I love this site too much
Jun 10, 2018 by EvilTwinNeedle™️
My Grandma won and Xbox One S XD.
Jun 10, 2018 by PsyKlone
Well, only when its old. In 20 years time, that charizard will be even rarer than it is now
Jun 10, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist

"Why do these things keep getting flagged? It isn’t even that old.
commented 40 minutes ago by eXcess"
Going to answer this quickly as I went ahead and hid the comment and the new answer; because the comment says "Great question, I'd like to know the answer too".

Best Answer is literally underneath. And a year earlier.
Jun 9, 2018 by Sempi
Yes the gravatar is dabbing ~_~ TRAITOR lol jk jk
Jun 6, 2018 by OrangeTerrariaYT
Doubles isn't my fortie either, but I have a friend who is amazing at it :P
Jun 6, 2018 by Staka~
And it is hard not to downvote with a gravatar like that!
Jun 6, 2018 by Staka~