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Wall for PX (page 79)

Ah well, there's hardly any greenery where I live anyway. Plus snow sounds pretty good...
Aug 25, 2014 by Victini Victory
The grass is always greener on the other side, Josh. Remember that. Although in my case it actually is.
Aug 24, 2014 by Victini Victory
I'm not contradicting myself but... may be I just didn't word it very well :/
Aug 24, 2014 by Sir Dan
I guess you can dream about going to Japan. It's a nice place, but you know England is awesome too, maybe you should have gratitude for what you got? Sorry, not being your mom just saying it's better than here.
Aug 24, 2014 by Victini Victory
LOL you blushed XD. Well when are you planning to move? After college? I'm gonna leave Pakistan right after I complete my A Level exams, then do college in America.
Aug 24, 2014 by Victini Victory
HA! Peace and safety, what a joke. The funny part is that it's the reason we have war most of the time. But I guess you're right. A killing spree does sound fun, after all. Okay, omg, Hex did all that and I wasn't even there? Dang it.  Haha for the sake of his gf XD lol I'm laughing at that right now.

And no, it's fine, I don't mind answering the question, just I don't like talking it too much. Japan sounds awesome! Anime, Tokyo, sushi, Japanese girls (and for you, Japanese boys as well...), and all that good stuff.
Aug 23, 2014 by Victini Victory
Hm actually, I also have this thing where I'm kinda conflicted about which religion to follow and stuff, but I fixed it by just deciding to be a good person you know, good deeds, praying, all that good stuff, but usually I try to accept people for who they are, and I'm usually open with people to a certain extent, so we can have a more open friendship. LOL when was Hex a douchebag? Last I saw him he was pretty nice. Actually yeah, I've heard if ten people honestly follow a religion, it's real. That could lead to some issues.

Okay, so your Pakistan question is making me a LITTLE uncomfortable. Don't know why. But yes, I want to move out of Pakistan. It's not as bad as I say it is, but it can get pretty bad. And since I've seen how awesome places like America and Europe are, it's gotten worse. But it's great here too, plus I feel like I won't really fit in in America, mainly cause I've lived here for so long. Same goes for anywhere like the UK. And no, I'm usually quite cheery, it's just sometimes occasionally I do get a bit pissed. It's not that it's unpleasant, just not as good as abroad.
Aug 23, 2014 by Victini Victory
Oh wow, that's really interesting. I really never knew that. I'm pretty sure 99% is an exaggeration (there are asexuals, you know)? But that's really cool to know. I guess it's similar to how when you're young your brain structure is still in the process of formation where it builds to help you understand things better as an adult, I'm assuming? And even if someone was willing to openly date a guy in Paki, they couldn't do it anyway without being mocked to death. Almost literally.

I usually hear that people aren't born gay or bi, it's more of a process your mind goes through as you grow up. I always thought it's also a gradual process, but I've always wondered that if being gay is, like, against the teachings of Christianity or Islam or whatever, why did God (or anyone you believe in) create them anyway? Doesn't make sense. Do you know other bi people, or were you like surrounded by them when you were young?
Aug 22, 2014 by Victini Victory
There's a small phonetic 'i' between Grave and Yard. And I say it every time I spell your name
Aug 22, 2014 by Qwerty_Zoom
I know what you mean, I don't get angry very easily either but when I do I'm very fast at forgiving, flaw or good thing? I dunno, people have different opinions. And Mewicune, sorry haven't heard of her. Then again, I've been away from the DB for so long I can't really know anyone anyway.

I never knew being bi was like that! I just thought being bi meant you were in a state of choosing whether you like dudes or chicks. I sometimes get the feeling that I like guys, but I don't know why, because well, it's kinda weird but it only happens with EXTREMELY attracted celebrity photoshopped-to-death kinda guys, but I'm not sure. Either way I know I like girls, but it's kinda weird. I'm not sure if you get it or not. Sorry, I'm being confusing here aren't I? It happened when I was twelve like, three times, but then it hasn't really happened again. Could it mean anything?
Aug 22, 2014 by Victini Victory