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Wall for PX (page 77)

I also listen to a bit of dubstep too.  I'm not hating on it it's just hard to say a reason why you like music.  It's just whatever makes you wanna get up and dance or sing or just makes u nod your head.
Sep 11, 2014 by PZ15
Yea im up for them
Sep 10, 2014 by <|Skymin|>
Why do I like rap.  Well to start of I am a rapper, I've been in a few concerts :P Every other type of music with the exception of metal/rock/some hip-hop puts me to sleep.  I love listening to rappers like Jay Z and Eminem and just listening to the pure talent.  It's like me asking you, why do u like Dubstep?
Sep 9, 2014 by PZ15
"ReadyAimFire (Here's here 'cos he has fabulous sexual taste)"
Sep 8, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
I've actually got the beat to frozen stuck in my head xD and yeah I was aware that it was just one guy.
Sep 8, 2014 by Lorna Shore
Nah you expected nothing obvi
Sep 8, 2014 by PsychicX1
Well you are :P
Sep 7, 2014 by Victini Victory
He's the only active Editor xD

Ayan is right you are a pimp :P

You've finished Bleach? So what do you make of it? It's a really good anime imo, (I've seen better) but still really good. And yeah it's sad when you've finished an Anime isn't it :( It's been rumoured for a while though that when the last Bleach Arc is final finished, they will bring the Anime back. Don't know if it's true, just a rumour but only time will tell.
Sep 7, 2014 by Sir Dan
I finished Bleach

Well that's one long term anime down, kinda sad now. I don't want to keep finishing them.
Sep 7, 2014 by PX
Come on chat!!
Sep 7, 2014 by Victini Victory