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User NylaTheWolf

Member for: 6 years (since Jul 1, 2018)
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Activity by NylaTheWolf

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Are you still active?
Jul 18, 2018 by EvilTwinNeedle™️
No problem. Glad it has been of use!
Zeraora is tricky because it outspeeds so much of your team. This was one reason I suggested Ash Greninja, as Water Shuriken is a good way to revenge kill it if you can’t use Alakazam. Alternatively, you may also try Scarf on Excadrill (or Koko, if you run Dazzling Gleam) to outspeed it. Having a Scarf user might work well if you’re having trouble against opposing offence teams, since it’s insurance against set-up sweepers.
Zeraora’s best set at the moment is Choice Band, which you can also use to your advantage with Excadrill. You can tell whether it is Band based on the difference it its damage.
From there it’s just game sense and making sound decisions each turn. It’s not perfect, but such is the nature of competitive Pokémon — you can’t have a counter for everything.
Jul 8, 2018 by Fizz
@NylaTheWolf, use Spikes/Ice beam instead of Gunk Shot
Jul 7, 2018 by Helix716
By not isolating a lead, I mean avoiding the mentality that 'this Pokemon is the one I lead with, no exceptions'. So just make sure that using your designated lead is actually a good idea in each game you play.
By 'initiating' plays, I mean you should be trying to play proactively, not reactively. If you're constantly having to respond to your opponent's plays, then you don't have an opening to get the game on your terms until one of your Pokemon goes down. This is precisely how you lose against offence teams; you can't beat them if they have momentum. And yeah I forgot caps existed lol.
The Greninja set looks solid. I was thinking more along the lines of a Waterium Z set, since this is better for late-game cleaning as is the role of Gyarados. But CS is also a solid set.

And yeah feel free to just leave another comment on your thread, we get pinged into it if our comments are followed.
Jul 7, 2018 by Fizz
hi. welcome.
Jul 6, 2018 by sumwun
Jul 6, 2018 by Nuivo
You just comment again.
Jul 6, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist